- a list of publicly accessible D*/DiaCollo corpora
- links to the software source code and documentation
- only required if you want to index your own corpus (or query multiple D* corpora simultaneously)
- explicit walk-throughs for some common tasks with local DiaCollo installations
- links to examples used in the presentation
If you find DiaCollo useful in your research, please include a reference to one or more of the following papers in
any related publications:
Jurish, B.
"Diachronic Collocations, Genre, and DiaCollo."
In R. J. Whitt (editor),
Diachronic Corpora, Genre, and Language Change.
Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2018, pages 42–64.
Jurish, B., A. Geyken, and T. Werneke.
"DiaCollo: diachronen Kollokationen auf der Spur."
In DHd 2016: Modellierung - Vernetzung - Visualisierung,
Leipzig, 7th-12th March,
pages 172-175,
pdf:epub [contains typesetting errors],
Jurish, B.
"DiaCollo: On the trail of diachronic collocations."
In K. De Smedt (editor),
Proceedings of the
CLARIN Annual Conference 2015,
Wrocław, Poland, 15th-17th October,
pages 28-31,