gfsmarcsort - Sort arcs of a finite state machine


gfsmarcsort [OPTIONS] BINFILE

    BINFILE  Stored binary gfsm file
    -h       --help            Print help and exit.
    -V       --version         Print version and exit.
    -l       --lower           Sort by (lower,upper,target) [default].
    -u       --upper           Sort by (upper,lower,target).
    -w       --weight          Sort by weight (ascending).
    -i                         Alias for '--lower'
    -o                         Alias for '--upper'
    -C       --cost            Alias for '--weight'
    -mMODE   --mode=MODE       Sort by explicit mode string (overrides -l, -u, etc.)
    -U       --unique          After sorting, collect weights on otherwise identical arcs
    -zLEVEL  --compress=LEVEL  Specify compression level of output file.
    -FFILE   --output=FILE     Specifiy output file (default=stdout).


Sort arcs of a finite state machine



Stored binary gfsm file

If unspecified, standard input will be read


--help , -h

Print help and exit.

Default: '0'

--version , -V

Print version and exit.

Default: '0'

--lower , -l

Sort by (lower,upper,target) [default].

Default: '0'

--upper , -u

Sort by (upper,lower,target).

Default: '0'

--weight , -w

Sort by weight (ascending).

Default: '0'


Alias for '--lower'

Default: '0'


Alias for '--upper'

Default: '0'

--cost , -C

Alias for '--weight'

Default: '0'

--mode=MODE , -mMODE

Sort by explicit mode string (overrides -l, -u, etc.)

Default: ''

Sort by a mode string over the characters "luwstLUWST_", as accepted by gfsm_acmask_from_chars(). Each character in the string represents a single elementary arc field comparison, and the comparison with the highest priority should occur leftmost in the string. Correspondence between characters in MODE and arc comparisons is:

     l : sort by lower labels in ascending order
     u : sort by upper labels in ascending order
     w : sort by arc weight in semiring-ascending order
     s : sort by source state in ascending order (useless here)
     t : sort by target state in ascending order
     L : sort by lower labels in descending order
     U : sort by upper labels in descending order
     W : sort by arc weight in semiring-descending order
     S : sort by source state in descending order (useless here)
     T : sort by target state in descending order
     _ : no comparison at the corresponding priority level
     x : user-specified comparison (useless here)
--unique , -U

After sorting, collect weights on otherwise identical arcs

Default: '0'

This is exactly what a subsequent call of gfsmarcuniq(1) does.

--compress=LEVEL , -zLEVEL

Specify compression level of output file.

Default: '-1'

Specify zlib compression level of output file. -1 (default) indicates the default compression level, 0 (zero) indicates no zlib compression at all, and 9 indicates the best possible compression.

--output=FILE , -FFILE

Specifiy output file (default=stdout).

Default: '-'


About this Document

Documentation file auto-generated by optgen.perl version 0.07 using Getopt::Gen version 0.13. Translation was initiated as:

   optgen.perl -l --no-handle-rcfile --nocfile --nohfile --notimestamp -F gfsmarcsort gfsmarcsort.gog


None known.


Perl by Larry Wall.

Getopt::Gen by Bryan Jurish.


Bryan Jurish <>


the gfsmutils manpage