DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Automaton::Gfsm::XL - Gfsm::XL::Cascade-based transductions
use DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Automaton::Gfsm::XL;
## Constructors etc.
$obj = DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Automaton::Gfsm::XL->new(%args);
$aut = $aut->clear();
$aut = $aut->setLookupOptions(\%opts);
## Methods: Generic
$class = $aut->fstClass();
$class = $aut->labClass();
$bool = $aut->fstOk();
## Methods: I/O
$aut = $aut->loadCascade($cscfile);
DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Automaton::Gfsm::XL inherits from DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Automaton.
$aut = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
Constructor override: see DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Automaton::new().
new and/or changed %args, %$aut:
##-- Analysis objects
fst => $cl, ##-- a Gfsm::XL::Cascade::Lookup object (default=new)
##-- Lookup options (new)
max_paths => $max_paths, ##-- sets $cl->max_paths()
max_ops => $max_ops, ##-- sets $cl->max_ops()
max_weight => $max_weight_or_array, ##-- sets $cl->max_weight()
## + may also be specified as an ARRAY-ref [$a,$b]
## to compute max-weight parameter on-the-fly as
## the linear function:
## $max_weight = $a * length($input_word) + $b
$aut = $aut->clear();
Override: clear automaton.
$aut = $aut->setLookupOptions(\%opts);
Sets lookup-local options %opts:
src => $input_text,
max_weight => $w,
max_paths => $n_paths,
max_ops => $n_ops,
$class = $aut->fstClass();
Override: default FST class for "loadFst"() method
$class = $aut->labClass();
Override: default labels class for "loadLabels"() method
$bool = $aut->fstOk();
Override: should return false iff fst is undefined or "empty"
$aut = $aut->loadCascade($cscfile);
$aut = $aut->loadFst ($cscfile)
Alias / override.
Bryan Jurish <moocow@cpan.org>
Copyright (C) 2009-2019 by Bryan Jurish
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.