DTA::CAB::Format::TEIws - TEI-XML with //w and //s elements, as output by DTA::TokWrap
use DTA::CAB::Format::TEIws;
## Constructors etc.
$fmt = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
## Methods: Input: Generic API
$fmt = $fmt->close();
$fmt = $fmt->fromString(\$string);
$fmt = $fmt->fromFile($filename_or_handle);
$fmt = $fmt->fromFh($handle);
$doc = $fmt->parseDocument();
## Methods: Output: MIME & HTTP stuff
$short = $fmt->shortName();
$ext = $fmt->defaultExtension();
## Methods: Output: output selection
$fmt = $fmt->flush();
$fmt = $fmt->toString(\$str);
$fmt_or_undef = $fmt->toFile($filename, $formatLevel);
$fmt_or_undef = $fmt->toFh($fh,$formatLevel);
## Methods: Output: Generic API
$fmt = $fmt->putDocument($doc);
DTA::CAB::Format::TEIws inherits from DTA::CAB::Format::XmlTokWrap.
$fmt = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
object structure: HASH ref
##-- new in Format::TEIws
spliceback => $bool, ##-- (output) if true (default), return .cws.cab.xml ; otherwise just .cab.t.xml [requires doc 'teibufr' attribute]
teibufr => \$buf, ##-- tei+ws buffer, for spliceback mode
teidoc => $doc, ##-- tei+ws XML::LibXML::Document
spliceopts => \%opts, ##-- options for DTA::ToKWrap::Processor::idsplice::new()
'att.linguistic' => $bool, ##-- read/write TEI att.linguistic features?
##-- input: inherited from Format::XmlNative
xdoc => $xdoc, ##-- XML::LibXML::Document (tokwrap syntax)
xprs => $xprs, ##-- XML::LibXML parser
parseXmlData => $bool, ##-- if true, _xmldata key will be parsed (default OVERRIDE=false)
##-- output: inherited from Format::XmlTokWrap
arrayEltKeys => \%akey2ekey, ##-- maps array keys to element keys for output
arrayImplicitKeys => \%akey2undef, ##-- pseudo-hash of array keys NOT mapped to explicit elements
key2xml => \%key2xml, ##-- maps keys to XML-safe names
xml2key => \%xml2key, ##-- maps xml keys to internal keys
##-- output: inherited from Format::XmlNative
#encoding => $inputEncoding, ##-- default: UTF-8; applies to output only!
level => $level, ##-- output formatting level (default=0)
##-- common: safety
safe => $bool, ##-- if true (default), no "unsafe" token data will be generated (_xmlnod,etc.)
$fmt = $fmt->close();
close current input source, if any
$fmt = $fmt->fromString(\$string);
select input from string $string
$fmt = $fmt->fromFile($filename_or_handle);
calls $fmt->fromFh()
$fmt = $fmt->fromFh($handle);
just calls $fmt->fromString()
$doc = $fmt->parseDocument();
parses buffered XML::LibXML::Document; override inserts $doc->{teibufr} attribute for spliceback mode
$short = $fmt->shortName();
returns "official" short name for this format; override returns "teiws".
$ext = $fmt->defaultExtension();
returns default filename extension for this format; override returns ".tei+ws.xml".
$fmt = $fmt->flush();
flush any buffered output to selected output source
$fmt = $fmt->toString(\$str);
$fmt = $fmt->toString(\$str,$formatLevel);
select output to byte-string; override reverts to DTA::CAB::Format::toString().
$fmt_or_undef = $fmt->toFile($filename, $formatLevel);
select output to $filename; override reverts to DTA::CAB::Format::toFile().
$fmt_or_undef = $fmt->toFh($fh,$formatLevel);
select output to filehandle $fh; override reverts to DTA::CAB::Format::toFh()
$fmt = $fmt->putDocument($doc);
override respects local 'keepc' and 'spliceback' flags
An example file in the format accepted/generated by this module is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fw>Running headers are ignored</fw>
<s lang="de">
<w msafe="1" t="wie" errid="ec" hasmorph="1" exlex="wie" lang="de">
<moot word="wie" lemma="wie" tag="PWAV"/>
<xlit isLatinExt="1" isLatin1="1" latin1Text="wie"/>
<w msafe="0" t="oede">
<moot tag="ADJD" lemma="öde" word="öde"/>
<xlit isLatinExt="1" isLatin1="1" latin1Text="oede"/>
<w exlex="!" errid="ec" t="!" msafe="1">
<xlit latin1Text="!" isLatin1="1" isLatinExt="1"/>
<moot word="!" tag="$." lemma="!"/>
An example file in the format accepted/generated by this module with the att.linguistic
option set to a true value is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fw>Running headers are ignored</fw>
<s xml:id="s1">
<w xml:id="w1" lemma="wie" pos="PWAV" norm="Wie">Wie</w>
<w xml:id="w2" lemma="öde" pos="ADJD" norm="öde" join="right">oede</w>
<w xml:id="w3" lemma="!" pos="$." norm="!" join="left">!</w>
Bryan Jurish <moocow@cpan.org>
Copyright (C) 2015-2019 by Bryan Jurish
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
dta-cab-analyze.perl(1), dta-cab-convert.perl(1), dta-cab-http-server.perl(1), dta-cab-http-client.perl(1), dta-cab-xmlrpc-server.perl(1), dta-cab-xmlrpc-client.perl(1), DTA::CAB::Server(3pm), DTA::CAB::Client(3pm), DTA::CAB::Format(3pm), DTA::CAB(3pm), perl(1), ...