This manual page describes the network protocol used by the DDC (sub)corpus and distributed servers. In the syntax descriptions, the string "\x01" represents a literal ASCII byte with decimal value 1 (a.k.a. "SOH" a.k.a "start of heading"), and " " represents a literal space character (ASCII byte with decimal value 32).


 ## Generic Message Format

 ## Common Messages
 nodes DEPTH
 reload DEPTH
 clear_cache DEPTH
 expand_terms " \x01" PIPELINE "\x01" TERMS "\x01" TIMEOUT
 expand_terms " \x01" PIPELINE "\x01" TERMS "\x01" TIMEOUT "\x01" CORPUS
 get_paradigm " " WORD "\x01" ILEMMATIZE " " ILANG

 ## Branch-Server Messages
 run_query " " CORPUS "\x01" QUERY "\x01" FORMAT "\x01" OFFSET " " LIMIT " " TIMEOUT
 run_query " " CORPUS "\x01" QUERY "\x01" FORMAT "\x01" OFFSET " " LIMIT " " TIMEOUT " " HINT

 ## Leaf-Server Messages
 get_first_hits " " QUERY "\x01 " TIMEOUT " " LIMIT
 get_first_hits " " QUERY "\x01 " TIMEOUT " " LIMIT " " HINT
 get_hit_strings " " FORMAT "\x01" OFFSET " " LIMIT


This section contains descriptions of the various requests which may be sent to a DDC server and their expected responses.

Generic Message Format


All messages sent to or from a DDC server share the common generic format LENGTH DATA, where LENGTH is a 32-bit little-endian unsigned integer, and DATA is the underlying message data, which is exactly LENGTH bytes long.

Common Messages

This section describes the messages accepted by all DDC servers.



Returns the version number of the running server as a string, by convention of the form MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO-PATCHLEVEL where MAJOR, MINOR, and MICRO are unsigned decimal integers, and -PATCHLEVEL is an optional string suffix. This should be the same string reported by ddc_daemon on startup.

Since v2.0.18


 status TIMEOUT

Returns status information on the running server as a JSON object of the form:

  "name":"server",                      //-- server name
  "version":"2.1.9",                    //-- server DDC version
  "compat":"2.1.8",                     //-- server compatibility version (>= v2.1.9)
  "hostname":"www.dwds.de",             //-- distributed server hostname if available (>= v2.0.35)
  "hostaddr":"",               //-- distributed server socket hostname, address, or path ("host" for ddc < v2.0.35)
  "port":50011,                         //-- distributed server socket TCP port (if applicable)
  "sockaddr":"inet://",  //-- URL-style socket address ("inet://ADDR:PORT" or "unix://PATH" >= v2.2.0)
  "started":"2014-02-17T13:49:59Z",     //-- ISO-8601 timestamp of last server start
  "uptime":1392644999,                  //-- server instance uptime in seconds
  "nrequests":21,                       //-- number of served requests
  "nqueries":18,                        //-- number of served queries (>= v2.1.0)
  "nerrors":0,                          //-- number of client errors (>= v2.1.0)
  "nslow":0,                            //-- number of slow queries (>= v2.1.0)
  "qtavg":0.1383,                       //-- average query time over server lifetime (>= v2.1.15) or over last StatsWindow seconds (>= v2.1.1)
  "xtavg":0.0063,                       //-- average term-expansion time over server lifetem (>= v2.1.15)
  "qtavgs":[0.1735,0.0685,0.0183],      //-- exponential rolling average query times for 5,15,60 minutes (>= v2.1.15)
  "xtavgs":[0.0103,0.0037,0.0009],      //-- exponential rolling average term-expansion times for 5,15,60 minutes (>= v2.1.15)
  "nworkers":4,                         //-- number of client worker-threads (>= v2.1.0)
  "hitstrings":"parallel",              //-- hit-retrieval mode ("serial" or "parallel", branch only, >= v2.1.12)
  "memkb":68152,                        //-- memory resident set size in kb (>= v2.0.49, linux only)
  "vmem":{                              //-- virtual memory statistics from /proc/[PID]/status in kb (see proc(5), >= v2.1.8)
          "peak":847100,                //   - VmPeak: peak virtual memory size (address space)
          "size":799100,                //   - VmSize: virtual memory size (address space)
          "hwm":270112,                 //   - VmHWM: peak resident set size ("high water mark")
          "rss":143740,                 //   - VmRSS: resident set size (=RssAnon+RssFile+RssShmem)
          "data":516540,                //   - VmData: size of data segment
          "stk":132,                    //   - VmStk: size of stack segment
          "exe":3280,                   //   - VmExe: size of text (program) segment
          "lib":13700,                  //   - VmLib: shared library code size
          "swap":0,                     //   - VmSwap: swapped-out virtual memory size, not including shmem
          "file":79852,                 //   - RssFile: size of resident file mappings (>= v2.1.13)
          "anon":63888                  //   - RssAnon: size of resident anonymous memory (>= v2.1.13)
  "navcachesize":512,                   //-- size of navigation hint cache (branch servers only, >= v2.1.9)
  "navcachestep":1000,                  //-- navigation hint cache step-size (branch only, >= v2.1.11)
  "cachesize":42,                       //-- size of query cache (leaf servers only)
  "curlcachesize":24,                   //-- size of curl cache (leaf servers only)
  "corpora":["corpus1","corpus2",...]   //-- registered subcorpus names (branch servers only)

Very fast turnaround, since all returned data is known to the server itself, and no subcorpora need to be queried.

Since v2.0.18, optional TIMEOUT parameter since v2.0.47.


 vstatus TIMEOUT

Like the status command, but the elements of the returned "corpora" list for a branch server are the JSON objects returned by the status command to the associated subcorpus servers, rather than just subcorpus names. If the optional TIMEOUT parameter is specified, it should be an integer value indicating the maximum time (in seconds) to wait for subcorpus responses; default=10.

Since v2.0.18, optional TIMEOUT parameter since v2.0.47.



Returns information about associated corpora as a JSON object. For a leaf server, the returned object is of the form:

  //-- basic information
  "name":"corpus1",                     //-- subcorpus name
  "version":"2.1.8",                    //-- subcorpus server version
  "project":"corpus1",                  //-- project basename
  "indexed":"2014-02-17T13:49:56Z",     //-- index timestamp (mtime of PROJECT._con)
  "nfiles":4,                           //-- number of successfully indexed files
  "nsources":4,                         //-- number of source files (including empty and erroneous files)
  "nmasked":0,                          //-- number of "masked" (blacklisted) files in PROJECT._masked
  "ntokens":56294,                      //-- number of indexed tokens
  //-- global index options (see ddc_opt(5))
  //-- index structure: corpus blocks ("periods")
  //-- index structure: bibliographic metadata
        {"name":"author", "visible":1, "size":4},
        {"name":"title", "visible":1, "size":4},
        //... other bibliographic fields ...
        {"alias":"authors", "ref":"author"}
        //... other bibliographic aliases ...
  //-- index structure: break collections
        {"shortname":"s", "longname":"sentence", "size":2823},
        //... other break collections ...
        {"shortname":"textarea", "longname":"textarea", "size":4}
  //-- index structure: token-level indices
        {"shortname":"w", "longname":"Token", "visible":1, "bigrams":2, "size":9369},
        {"shortname":"l", "longname":"Lemma", "visible":1, "size":5706},
        {"shortname":"p", "longname":"Pos", "visible":1, "size":53},
        //... other token-level indices ...
        {"alias":"CitationForm", "ref":"Lemma"},
        //... other token-level aliases ...
  //-- query operators: bibliographic expanders ("ExpandBibl" options)
  //-- query operators: term expanders ("Expand" options)
  //-- default index names by operator ("DefaultQueryIndex" options)
  "opdefault":{ "_":"Lemma", ... },
  //-- user-supplied information ("ServerInfo" and "ServerInfoFile" options)

For a branch server, the returned object has the form:

         //... information for subcorpus "corpus1" ...
        //... information for other subcorpora ...
         //... information for subcorpus "corpusN" ...

where each object in the "corpora" array is the associated subcorpus server's response to an "info" request. If the optional TIMEOUT parameter is specified, it should be an integer value indicating the maximum time (in seconds) to wait for subcorpus responses; default=10.

Since v2.0.18, "periods" attribute since v2.0.33, user-supplied info since v2.0.34, optional TIMEOUT parameter since v2.0.47, aliases and "opdefault" attribute since v2.1.5, "mmap" attribute since v2.1.12.


 nodes DEPTH

Returns a JSON array of all subcorpus nodes directly or indirectly accessible from the current server node, or null if the current server node is a leaf-server. For branch servers, each element of the returned array is a /-separated server-tree PATH string as for "HINT" and suitable for use with the : query directive.


 reload DEPTH

Requests re-loading local (sub)corpus data from disk. If DEPTH is present and non-zero, a receiving branch server will send a reload message with paramter DEPTH-1 to any subordinate servers on the user's behalf; a DEPTH parameter of -1 requests maximum depth.

Since v2.0.23, DEPTH parameter since v2.0.25.

Apparently BROKEN since at least v2.1.0.


 clear_cache DEPTH

Request that the receiving server immediately clear any in-memory query cache(s). If DEPTH is present and non-zero, a receiving branch server will send a clear_cache message with parameter DEPTH-1 to any subordinate servers on the user's behalf; a DEPTH parameter of -1 requests maximum depth.

Since v2.0.23, DEPTH parameter since v2.0.25.


 expand_terms " \x01" PIPELINE "\x01" TERMS "\x01" TIMEOUT
 expand_terms " \x01" PIPELINE "\x01" TERMS "\x01" TIMEOUT "\x01" CORPUS

Requests online term expansion of the terms TERMS by the expansion pipeline PIPELINE, which must be known to the leaf server chosen for expansion (see "Expand" in ddc_opt). TIMEOUT is a request timeout in seconds.

For branch servers, if CORPUS is specified, it should be the the name of an immediate subcorpus which should be queried to perform the expansion. If unspecified, the first registered subcorpus is queried.

Response data is of the form


where STATUS is a decimal integer indicating the operation status (0 indicates success). NTERMS is the number of expanded terms being returned in the DATA portion, and DATA is either an error message (just in case STATUS is non-zero) or a list of expanded terms separated by TABs, newlines, and/or carriage returns (ASCII 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0d).

Since v2.0.0


 get_paradigm " " WORD "\x01" ILEMMATIZE " " ILANG

Request morphological analysis of the word WORD using legacy built-in language-specific heuristics. ILEMMATIZE is a boolean integer; if true, only lemmatization is performed. ILANG is an integer indicating the built-in language rule-set to use; it should be a valid MorphLanguageEnum value as defined in ${DDC_SRC}/src/CommonLib/utilit.h ; currently recognized values are (0:unknown, 1:Russian, 2:English, 3:German, 4:Generic, 5:URL, 6:Digits).

Response is an HTML fragment.

Since v1.x



Dummy request used internally prior to ddc-v2.0.23 to avoid annoying complaints unless each subcorpus socket gets exactly 2 messages per user request. DANGEROUS to use directly, can cause server lockup!

Since v2.0.0

More or less obsolete since v2.0.23; may still be used to cleanup stale connections in exception handlers.

Branch-Server Messages

This section describes the messages accepted by DDC "branch" servers, also known as "distributed" or "nonterminal" servers. A branch server is not associated directly with any phyiscal index, but functions as an aggregator for one or more (possibly indirect) subordinate ("leaf") servers.

Branch servers are prototypically used as the top-level instance for processing user queries. Prior to ddc-v2.1.0, only branch servers supported the following messages.


 run_query " " CORPUS "\x01" QUERY "\x01" FORMAT "\x01" OFFSET " " LIMIT " " TIMEOUT
 run_query " " CORPUS "\x01" QUERY "\x01" FORMAT "\x01" OFFSET " " LIMIT " " TIMEOUT " " HINT

Top-level user query request.


is a vacuous parameter, by convention the string "Distributed" is used.


is the user query in DDC syntax (see ddc_query(5) for details).


is a string representing the data format to be returned by DDC. Currently, DDC supports the following formats: "JSON", "TABLE", "TEXT", "HTML", or "DOCIDS".


is the index of the first hit to be retrieved, starting from 0 (zero).


is the maximum number of hits to be retrieved.


is the maximum number of seconds to spend processing the query before returning an error response. Note that since the underlying server(s) only check for timeout conditions once for each iteration through the "corpus period" loop, an expensive query can potentially block the server(s) for much longer than the specified TIMEOUT before such an error response is actually generated and sent to the client.


As of DDC v2.1.9, the optional HINT parameter may be passed to specify a lower bound navigation hint for bandwidth and memory optimization of non-count queries. If specified, HINT is composed of a nested offset hint (HINT_OFFSETS) followed by a single space, followed by a primary sort-key lower bound (HINT_SORTKEY). The nested offset hint encodes the logical offset of the requested hint with respect to both the current server node (OFFSET) and any descendants (DTR_OFFSETS).

 HINT         ::= (PATH " ") HINT_OFFSETS (" " SORTKEY)
 OFFSET       ::= <unsigned integer>
 SORTKEY      ::= <string>
 PATH         ::= ("/" PATH_NODE)*
 PATH_NODE    ::= <string>

The HINT parameter is ignored for count-queries.

For context queries, each OFFSET should be the sum of the first level of DTR_OFFSETS, and OFFSET must be less than or equal to START, otherwise an exception may be thrown. If QUERY contains a non-trivial sort operation and HINT contains a non-empty SORTKEY component, only hits equal to or following SORTKEY in the requested primary sort order will be returned. If a SORTKEY was supplied which is inconsistent with the requested OFFSET or START, an exception will be thrown.

As of DDC v2.2.8, the HINT parameter may specify an optional initial PATH containing the labels of any superordinate branch servers(s) in the server-tree for the current request as a "/"-separated list, analogous to UNIX filesystem path notation. An empty PATH or indicates that the request was directly initiated by a client (e.g. a user). All other PATH parameters must begin with a slash (/). If you are writing a client, you probably don't want to specify PATH yourself; the DDC-internal code should take care of setting it sensibly.

Since v2.1.9, older DDC versions do not accept a HINT parameter. PATH parameter since v2.2.8.

Server response depends on FORMAT. In JSON mode, the response data for a traditional context-query is a JSON object of the form:

   "istatus_" : 0,                //-- rsp. istatus_internal status code, 0:success
   "nstatus_" : 0,                //-- network status code, 0:success
   "error_" : null,               //-- error string, null:no error
   "nhits_" : 31,                 //-- total number of hits
   "dhits_" : "17+4+10=31",       //-- distribution of hits over subcorpora
   "ndocs_" : 0,                  //-- (?) number of documents containing hits (?)
   "ddocs_" : "0+0+0=0",          //-- (?) distribution of hit-documents over subcorpora (?)
   "end_" : 10,                   //-- corpus-local offset of next available hit
   "hint_": "10(4(0+4)+1+5) foo", //-- navigation hint for next available hit
   "hits_" : [                    //-- list of hits
     {                                                  //-- each hit is an object
       "node_" : "/test/corpus1",                       //-- fully qualified subcorpus path (>=v2.2.8)
       "meta_" : {                                      //-- hit.meta_: bibliographic metadata
            "file_" : "busch_max_1865.xml",             //-- indexed filename
            "indices_" : ["w","p","l"],                 //-- indexed token fields for ctx_[1]
            "date_" : "1865",                           //-- indexed date (decoded)
            "orig_" : "",
            "page_" : null,
            "scan_" : "",
            //... other indexed metadata fields go here ...
       "ctx_": [                                        //-- hit.ctx_ provides result context
         [ "Ach",",","was","muß","man","oft",... ],     //-- hit.ctx_[0] is left extra-sentential context (strings only <v2.0.38)
         [                                              //-- hit.ctx_[1] is the hit sentence itself (structured tokens)
           [ 0, "Wie",      "PWAV",    "wie" ],         //-- tok[0] is match-ID, tok[1] is field meta_.indices_[0], etc
           [ 1, "Max",      "NE",      "Max" ],         //-- tok[0] is nonzero iff token matched a term in the user query
           [ 0, "und",      "KON",     "und" ],
           [ 2, "Moritz",   "NE",      "Moritz" ],      //-- user-supplied match-IDs are reported in tok[0]
         [ ...,"heimlich","lustig","machen","." ]       //-- hit.ctx_[2] is right extra-sentential context (strings only <v2.0.38)
     //... other hits go here ...

As of v2.0.34, ddc supports user-supplied match-IDs via the =ID query operator. Matched tokens for which an explicit nonzero match-ID was supplied in the query encode that ID as the first element of the returned token-array.

Prior to v2.0.38, ddc returned only raw token strings in the the extra-sentential context arrays hit.ctx_[0] and hit.ctx_[2]. As of v2.0.38, the tokens in these arrays may themselves be array-encoded as for hit.ctx_[1], although sentence boundaries in the extra-sentential context arrays remain unencoded for maximum compatibility. This behavior is disabled by default, but can be enabled by specifying the --enable-json-deep-context option to the configure script when compiling ddc.

As of v2.0.23, ddc supports aggregate count-queries by means of the count() operator. If the requested QUERY was such a count-query, the query response is slightly different:


indicates the best-guess maximum number of non-zero histogram bins for this query. This number may be smaller than the actual number of non-zero histogram bins if LIMIT was less than the total number of non-zero bins in some subcorpus and some non-zero bins occurred in more than one subcorpus: such duplicate bins are merged by the branch server only, but only up to LIMIT are retrieved by the branch server for any query, so some uncertainty remains regarding the status of duplicates among the bins beyond LIMIT.


is of the form "N1+N2+...=NTOTAL~NMAX", where the Ni are the number of hits (non-zero histogram bins) in the associated subcorpora, NTOTAL is the total number of non-zero histogram bins in any subcorpus (regardless of duplicates), and NMAX is the best-guess maximum number of non-zero histogram bins as reported in nhits_.


is not present.


is a JSON array of the form:

 [ BIN1, BIN2, ..., BINn ]

Each element BINi of the counts_ array represents a single histogram bin as a JSON array

 [ COUNT, KEY(s)... ]

where COUNT is the total count for the bin in question and KEY(s)... are the key strings as requested in the QUERY "#BY"-clause.

Since v1.x, JSON format and error messages since v2.0.0, leaf server support since v2.1.0, navigation hint support since v2.1.9, server-path support since v2.2.8.

Leaf Server Messages

This section describes the messages accepted by DDC "leaf" servers, also known as "subcorpus", "local", or "terminal" servers. A leaf server is directly associated with exactly one index on the local filesystem, and has no subcorpora itself.

"Leaf-server messages" are requests sent by a branch server to its immediate daughter subcorpora. Prior to v2.1.0, a branch server could only have leaf servers as immediate daughters (no logical corpus embedding). As of v2.1.0, branch servers also support leaf-server requests, thus allowing full "deep" corpus embedding; see ddc_cfg(5) for details.


 get_first_hits " " QUERY "\x01" TIMEOUT " " LIMIT
 get_first_hits " " QUERY "\x01" TIMEOUT " " LIMIT " " HINT

Requests subcorpus-local evaluation of the user query QUERY, returning IDs for up to LIMIT hits. TIMEOUT is an operation timeout in seconds, and LIMIT is the maximum number of hit-IDs to retrieve.

As of DDC v2.1.9, the optional HINT parameter may be passed to specify a navigation hint for bandwidth and memory optimization. If specified, HINT takes the form of the run_query parameter of the same name, and causes only hits with logical offset greater than or equal to the hint's local OFFSET component to be returned. In other words: "get the IDs for hits [OFFSET,OFFSET+LIMIT), ignoring any with a primary sort key preceding SORTKEY, and try not to take longer than TIMEOUT when doing so".

If an error occurs, the response is of the form:

 STATUS " 0 0 0 0\n" ERROR

where STATUS is a non-zero decimal integer error code, and ERROR is a text string describing the error.

On success, responses have the form:


where STATUS is a decimal integer status, 0 (zero) for success, HITUB should be the index of the last hit returned + 1 (see CConcSession::GetHits(q, __EndHitNo__)), NHITS is the total number of hits found (see CConcHolder::m_AllHitsCount), NDOCS is the number of relevant documents found (usually 0 (zero); see CConcHolder::m_RelevantDocumentCount), SORT is a indicates whether and/or how the hits are to be sorted (0: no sort, 1: ascending sort, -1: descending sort), and HITIDS is a TAB-separated list of NHITS hit-identification triples (see CConcHolder::GetHitIds()), each element of which has the form:


where INDEX is the query-dependent hit index, ORDERID is an integer, and ORDER_STRING is a string. Prior to ddc version 2.0.19, ORDERID was a global integer primary sort-key for the hit and ORDER_STRING was only non-trivially populated if the query contained a context-dependend sort operation such as #left or #right, and was otherwise assigned the literal string "<empty>".

As of v2.0.19, ORDERID is the literal string "-0", and ORDER_STRING is the (possibly empty) actual sort key for the hit. If ORDER_STRING is the literal string "<empty>", it is treated as an empty string for compatibility reasons. ORDER_STRING may also be a string of the form "#XXXXXXXX" representing a 32-bit integer sort key in hexadecimal notation (msb order, high bit set for non-negative numbers only, no fill bits).

As of v2.0.23, ddc supports aggregate count-queries (by means of the count() operator) in addition to traditional "context" queries. If the requested QUERY was such a count-query, then ORDER_STRING is a "\x02"-separated list of count-key components, and INDEX is the total count of the associated histogram bin.

Since v1.x, error message strings since v2.0.0, count-queries since v2.0.23, branch-server support since v2.1.0, navigation hint support since v2.1.9, path support since v2.2.8.


 get_hit_strings " " FORMAT "\x01" OFFSET " " LIMIT

Requests verbose hit strings for the current query (assumedly the query itself was specified in the previous get_first_hits request). Hits are to be formatted in FORMAT, which should be a format known to DDC. OFFSET is the offset of the first hit to return, starting from zero, and LIMIT is the maximum number of formatted hits to return.

If an error occurred, the response will be of the form:

 STATUS "\x01" "\n" ERROR

where STATUS is a non-zero decimal integer error code (DDCErrorEnum InternalError), and ERROR is a text string describing the error.

On success, the response is of the form:

 STATUS (" " HINT_OFFSETS "\n")? "\x01" HIT_STRINGS "\x01"

where STATUS is a decimal integer zero ("0") and HIT_STRINGS are the formatted hit strings, separated by "\x01". By convention, each hit is terminated by "\n" and preceded by "\x01". For "JSON" format hit strings, the first character of the first hit is a "[" character, the final character of all non-final hits is a "," character, and the final character of the final hit is a "]" character, so hits can be parsed as raw JSON data by removing the initial STATUS code and all "\x01" characters from HIT_STRINGS before parsing.

As of DDC v2.1.9, the response includes a nested HINT_OFFSETS component suitable for retrieval of the next available hit; see HINT for details.

An example response in JSON format is:

 0 10(4(0+4)+1+5)

Since v1.x, JSON format and error messages since v2.0.0, branch-server support since v2.1.0, hint offsets in responses since v2.1.9.

Error Messages

This section describes some common error messages which may be returned by a ddc server.

Socket Error! Servname not supported for ai_socktype

This message may be reported by branch server with a misconfigured ddc_server.cfg file. In particular, if a subordinated server is declared in the branch server's ddc_server.cfg with no port number, or with a colon separating the server address and the port number instead of a space, this error message will be generated by any attempt to query the server.


The server attempted to allocate too much memory while processing the query. Either reformulate your query to something less memory-intensive, or provide more memory for the server machine / process.


Alexey Sokirko wrote the original DDC.


Bryan Jurish <jurish@bbaw.de>


ddc_opt(5), ddc_query(5), ddc_cfg(5) ddc_server.opt(5) ddc_daemon(1), ddc_search(1), ddc_xml(1)