This is the complete list of members for CLemmatizer, including all inherited members.
AssignWeightIfNeed(vector< CAutomAnnotationInner > &FindResults) const | CLemmatizer | protected |
CheckAbbreviation(string InputWordStr, vector< CAutomAnnotationInner > &FindResults, bool is_cap) const | CLemmatizer | protected |
CheckABC(const string &WordForm) const | CLemmatizer | |
CLemmatizer(MorphLanguageEnum Language) | CLemmatizer | |
CMorphDict(MorphLanguageEnum Language) | CMorphDict | |
ConvertPredictTupleToAnnot(const CPredictTuple &input) const | CLemmatizer | protected |
CreateModelsIndex() | CMorphDict | protected |
CreateParadigmCollection(bool bNorm, string &WordStr, bool capital, bool bUsePrediction, vector< CFormInfo > &Result) const | CLemmatizer | |
FilterSrc(string &src) const =0 | CLemmatizer | protectedpure virtual |
GetAllAncodesAndLemmasQuick(string &InputWordStr, bool capital, char *OutBuffer, size_t MaxBufferSize, bool bUsePrediction) const | CLemmatizer | |
GetAllAncodesQuick(const BYTE *WordForm, bool capital, BYTE *OutBuffer, bool bUsePrediction) const | CLemmatizer | |
GetAllMorphInterpsStr(const string &Text, const size_t TextPos, bool bFullInterp) const | CMorphDict | |
GetLanguage() const | CLemmatizer | inline |
GetLemmaInfos(const string &Text, size_t TextPos, vector< CAutomAnnotationInner > &Infos) const | CMorphDict | protected |
GetPath() const | CLemmatizer | protected |
GetRegistryString() const | CLemmatizer | inlineprotected |
GetStatistic() const | CLemmatizer | |
InitAutomat(CMorphAutomat *pFormAutomat) | CMorphDict | |
initIconv(const string &enc_internal="", const string &enc_external="UTF8") | CLemmatizer | |
IsHyphenPostfix(const string &Postfix) const | CLemmatizer | |
IsHyphenPrefix(const string &Prefix) const | CLemmatizer | |
IsPrefix(const string &Prefix) const | CLemmatizer | protected |
LemmatizeWord(string &InputWordStr, const bool cap, const bool predict, vector< CAutomAnnotationInner > &results, bool bGetLemmaInfos) const | CLemmatizer | protected |
Load(string GrammarFileName) | CMorphDict | |
LoadDictionariesRegistry(string &strError) | CLemmatizer | |
m_AccentModels | CMorphDict | |
m_bAllowRussianJo | CLemmatizer | |
m_Bases | CMorphDict | |
m_bLoaded | CLemmatizer | |
m_bMaximalPrediction | CLemmatizer | |
m_bUseStatistic | CLemmatizer | |
m_enc_ext | CLemmatizer | |
m_enc_int | CLemmatizer | |
m_FlexiaModels | CMorphDict | |
m_HyphenPostfixes | CLemmatizer | protected |
m_HyphenPrefixes | CLemmatizer | protected |
m_ic_ext2int | CLemmatizer | |
m_ic_int2ext | CLemmatizer | |
m_LemmaInfos | CMorphDict | |
m_ModelsIndex | CMorphDict | protected |
m_NPSs | CMorphDict | |
m_pFormAutomat | CMorphDict | protected |
m_Predict | CLemmatizer | protected |
m_Prefixes | CMorphDict | |
m_PrefixesSet | CLemmatizer | protected |
m_Registry | CLemmatizer | protected |
m_SearchInfoLess | CMorphDict | protected |
m_Statistic | CLemmatizer | protected |
PredictByDataBase(string InputWordStr, vector< CAutomAnnotationInner > &results, bool is_cap) const | CLemmatizer | protected |
PredictBySuffix(const string &Text, size_t &TextOffset, size_t MinimalPredictSuffixlen, vector< CAutomAnnotationInner > &Infos) const | CMorphDict | |
ReadOptions(string FileName) | CLemmatizer | protected |
recode_ext2int(const std::string s_ext) const | CLemmatizer | inline |
recode_int2ext(const std::string s_int) const | CLemmatizer | inline |
Save(string GrammarFileName) const | CMorphDict | |
~CLemmatizer() | CLemmatizer | virtual |
~CMorphDict() | CMorphDict | virtual |