This is the complete list of members for CMorphDictBuilder, including all inherited members.
CheckFlexiaGramInfo(const MorphoWizard &Wizard) const | CMorphDictBuilder | private |
CheckRegister() const | CMorphDictBuilder | private |
ClearRegister() | CMorphDictBuilder | private |
CMorphDict(MorphLanguageEnum Language) | CMorphDict | |
CMorphDictBuilder(MorphLanguageEnum Language) | CMorphDictBuilder | |
CreateAutomat(const MorphoWizard &Wizard) | CMorphDictBuilder | |
CreateModelsIndex() | CMorphDict | protected |
GenerateLemmas(const MorphoWizard &Wizard) | CMorphDictBuilder | |
GeneratePrefixes(const MorphoWizard &Wizard) | CMorphDictBuilder | private |
GenerateUnitedFlexModels(const MorphoWizard &Wizard) | CMorphDictBuilder | |
GenPredictIdx(const MorphoWizard &wizard, int PostfixLength, int MinFreq, string path) | CMorphDictBuilder | |
GetAllMorphInterpsStr(const string &Text, const size_t TextPos, bool bFullInterp) const | CMorphDict | |
GetFormBuilder() | CMorphDictBuilder | inlineprivate |
GetLemmaInfos(const string &Text, size_t TextPos, vector< CAutomAnnotationInner > &Infos) const | CMorphDict | protected |
InitAutomat(CMorphAutomat *pFormAutomat) | CMorphDict | |
Load(string GrammarFileName) | CMorphDict | |
m_AccentModels | CMorphDict | |
m_Bases | CMorphDict | |
m_FlexiaModels | CMorphDict | |
m_LemmaInfos | CMorphDict | |
m_ModelInfo | CMorphDictBuilder | private |
m_ModelsIndex | CMorphDict | protected |
m_NPSs | CMorphDict | |
m_pFormAutomat | CMorphDict | protected |
m_Prefixes | CMorphDict | |
m_PrefixSets | CMorphDictBuilder | private |
m_SearchInfoLess | CMorphDict | protected |
PredictBySuffix(const string &Text, size_t &TextOffset, size_t MinimalPredictSuffixlen, vector< CAutomAnnotationInner > &Infos) const | CMorphDict | |
Save(string GrammarFileName) const | CMorphDict | |
~CMorphDict() | CMorphDict | virtual |
~CMorphDictBuilder() | CMorphDictBuilder | |