dtatw-add-c.perl - add <c> elements to DTA XML documents
dtatw-add-c.perl [OPTIONS] [XMLFILE(s)...]
General Options:
-help # this help message
I/O Options:
-output FILE # specify output file (default='-' (STDOUT))
-cids , -nocids # do/don't assign ids for auto-generated <c> elements (default=-nocids)
-idns=NAMESPACE # namespace prefix for id attributes, e.g. "xml:" (default=none)
-rmns , -keepns # do/don't encode default namespaces as for dtatw-nsdefault-encode.perl (default=do)
-profile, -noprofile # output profiling information? (default=no)
Not yet written.
Adds <c> elements to DTA XML files and/or assign xml:id
s to existing <c>s.
Pretty much useless as of dta-tokwrap v0.38.
dta-tokwrap.perl(1), dtatw-cids2local.perl(1), dtatw-rm-c.perl(1), ...
Bryan Jurish <jurish@bbaw.de>