Signature Marks and Catchwords

Signature marks are represented by the value "sig" in the @type attribute of the <fw> element. They can be at the beginning or end of a page.

<fw type="sig" place="bottom">[signature mark]</fw>
      <fw type="sig" place="top">[signature mark]</fw>

For catchwords, the value "catch" is in the @type attribute of the <fw> element. Catchwords can be placed both under the text area and under the footnote area (as a reading aid for continuous footnotes). In both cases, the position is specified by the value "bottom" in the @place attribute:

<fw type="catch" place="bottom">[catchword]</fw>

Signature Marks and Catchwords

<fw place="bottom" type="sig">
  <hi rendition="#fr">Erſter Theil D</hi>
<fw place="bottom" type="catch">
  <hi rendition="#fr">erwecket</hi> 
</fw> <lb/>

Source: Arndt, Johann: Von wahrem Christenthumb. Bd. 1. Magdeburg, 1610. [Facsimile 55]