Common Speech Acts

When different speakers speak in the drama at the same time, at which the wording of their speeches is different, these "common speech acts" are enclosed by <spGrp>.

The simultaneity is often indicated by a bracketing between the speech acts concerned, which is encoded using the attribute value pair @rendition="#leftBraced | #rightBraced" in the <spGrp> element.

Encoding of Common Speech Acts with Bracketing

<spGrp rendition="#leftBraced">
  <sp who="#ZOB">
    <speaker>Zobea und die Weiber.</speaker><lb/>
      <list rendition="#leftBraced #rightBraced">
      <list rendition="#rightBraced #leftBraced">
      Wildes Feuer, Ströme Blut!
  <sp who="#SIN">
    <p>Senget, brennet alles nieder,<lb/>
      Mordet der Verräther Brut!

Source: Robert, Ludwig: Die Sylphen. Berlin, 1806. [Facsimile 103]

Tip: For the encoding of bracketings cf. chap. Bracketings.