Foreign Language Material

Foreign-language passages are generally captured, but do not have to be tagged as such (DTABf – level 2).

If foreign language material is to be tagged as such (DTABf – Level 3), this is possible in the <foreign> element. The specification of the language in question is mandatory and is done in the @xml:lang attribute as a three-letter code in accordance with ISO standard 639-3.

<foreign xml:lang="[ISO 639-3 code]">[foreign language text passage]</foreign>

If the language of a foreign-language text passage cannot be defined, @xml:lang contains the value "und" (i. e. "undetermined").

In @xml:lang, exactly one language is generally specified. The nesting of <foreign> elements to tag several languages for a foreign language passage must be avoided. If several languages are valid for a foreign language passage, this is expressed with the value "mul". The languages are not specified in @xml:lang. (However, the space for this specification is provided by the editorial commentary; see chap. Editorial Commentary.)

Encoding of Foreign Language Material

<p>[...] sanskr. iran. griech. umbr. osk. 
                <hi rendition="#i"><foreign xml:lang="mul">an</foreign></hi> , aber lat. 
                <hi rendition="#i"><foreign xml:lang="lat">in</foreign></hi> , deutsch 
                <hi rendition="#i">un</hi> .<lb/>[...]

Source: Curtius, Georg: Zur Kritik der neuesten Sprachforschung. Leipzig, 1885. [Facsimile 101]

If the entire content of a structuring element consists of foreign language material, this can be displayed within the respective structuring element by the attribute @xml:lang.

Handling Completely Foreign Language Element Content

                <quote xml:lang="fra">
                <hi rendition="#aq">Tel eſt l'effet de la vérité: on la repouſſe; mais<lb/>
                en la repouſſant on la voit, & elle pénètre.</hi>
                <hi rendition="#et #aq"><hi rendition="#i">Garat le jeune</hi>.</hi>

Source: Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich: Eduard Allwills Briefsammlung. Mit einer Zugabe von eigenen Briefen. Königsberg, 1792. [Facsimile 9]

Foreign-language text material that cannot be deciphered or is not (initially) transcribed for other reasons is indicated by the <foreign> element described above. The missing transcription is indicated by a <gap/> element with the note @reason="fm" (see also chap. Illegible or Hardly Decipherable Characters).

<foreign xml:lang="[ISO 639-3 code]">
            <gap reason="fm"/>