Bracketings in Tables
Cells of tables can be combined in the printed original by bracketing and assigned to a common table entry. Such bracketings are expressed within the <cell>
element. The reference to the bracketing is given in the connecting table entry, which usually extends across several rows or columns.
Vertical Bracketing in a Table:
<table> <row> <cell >[table value 1]</cell> <cell rows="2" rendition="#leftBraced">[connecting table entry for 1 and 2]</cell> </row> <row> <cell>[table value 2]</cell> </row> </table>
Horizontal Bracketing in a Table:
<table> <row> <cell>[table value 1]</cell> <cell>[table value 2]</cell> </row> <row> <cell cols="2" rendition="#topBraced">[connecting table entry for 1 and 2]</cell> </row> </table>
Encoding of Bracketings in Tables
Tip: To the tagging of tables see chap. Tables