Basic Structure of the Encoding of Tables

Tables are tagged with the <table> element. The table contents are displayed line by line (<row>). Each line is again divided into cells (<cell>). If the table has a title, it is enclosed with a <head> element.

      <head>[table title (if applicable)]</head><!-- where available -->
  <cell>[text of a table cell]</cell>
  <cell>[text of a table cell]</cell>

Overviews in tabular form, which contain no or only little pure text (e. g. mainly consisting of numbers and special characters), are not included. Instead, an empty table indicates the respective overview:


Table Encoding (1)

    <cell>Prozent der Be-<lb/>völkerung</cell>
    <cell>in London</cell>
    <cell>in der nächſten Umgebung</cell>
    <cell>in andern Teilen von Eng-<lb/>land und Wales</cell>
    <cell>in Schottland</cell>
    <cell>in Irland</cell>
    <cell>in andern Ländern</cell>

Source: Bücher, Karl: Die Entstehung der Volkswirtschaft. Sechs Vorträge. Tübingen, 1893. [Facsimile 299]

Table Encoding (2)

    <cell>Dauer der<lb/>ganzen<lb/>Periode</cell>
    <cell>Ausweichung<lb/>von der<lb/>Sonne beim<lb/>Stillſtand</cell>
    <cell>Bogen des<lb/>Rückgangs</cell>
    <cell>Dauer des<lb/>Rückgangs</cell>
    <cell>780,<hi rendition="#sub">4</hi> Tage</cell>
    <cell>137 Grade</cell>
    <cell>14 Grade</cell>
    <cell>70 Tage</cell>
    <cell>398,<hi rendition="#sub">8</hi></cell>
    <cell>378,<hi rendition="#sub">0</hi></cell>
    <cell>369,<hi rendition="#sub">7</hi></cell>

Source: Littrow, Joseph Johann von: Die Wunder des Himmels, oder gemeinfaßliche Darstellung des Weltsystems. Bd. 1. Stuttgart, 1834. [Facsimile 228]

Note: By means of a @facs attribute in the table element it can be referenced to the original figure of the table. This can be useful if complex tables cannot be included or replicated completely for reasons of efficiency.