_share_pointer_t< T > | |
TinyXPath::action_item | |
TinyXPath::action_store | |
MorphoWizard::AncodeLess | |
binary_function | |
TinyXPath::byte_stream | |
CAbbrevItem | |
CABCEncoder | |
CAccentModel | |
CAgramtab | |
CAgramtabLine | |
CAncodePattern | |
CAsteriskHyp | |
CAutomAnnotationInner | |
CBibliography | |
CBigramAndFreq | |
CBigrams | |
CBigramsWordInfo | |
CHitBorders::CBreakCollection | |
CChunkInfo | |
CChunkOccurrence | |
CCOMSyntaxHolder | |
CConcHolder | |
CConcIndexator | |
CConcIndexatorInvoker | CConcIndexatorInvoker is a class for invoking an index process |
CConcordance | Class CConcordance is a modification of CConcHolder, which automates handling of CConcHolder::m_pIndexator. CConcordance makes all necessary initialization steps in the constructor and the deinitialization steps in the destructor |
CConcXml | |
CConSent | |
CShortOccurCache::CDataReference | Structure holds a pointer to a vector of occurrences and its size |
CDDCCorpusListenHost | |
CDDCFilterWithBounds | |
CDDCServerListenHost | |
CDictionary | |
CDomen | |
CDumpParadigm | |
CDwdsThesaurus | |
CEngGramTab | |
CEnglishName | |
CExpc | |
CField | |
CFileMeterRML | |
CDDCServerListenHost::CFirstHitsQueryResult | |
CFlexiaModel | |
CFormAndGrammems | |
CFormGroup | |
CFormInfo | |
CConcXml::CFreeBiblIndex | |
CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex | |
CGerGramTab | |
cgiFileStruct | |
cgiFormEntryStruct | |
CGraLine | |
CGramInfo | CGramInfo represents one morphological pattern, for example "[SUB pl, sg]" |
CGramInfoAndGraphemUnitOffset | |
CGraphanDicts | |
CGraphemOborot | |
CGraphmatFile | |
CHighlightTags | |
CHit | |
CHitBorders | |
CHitRank | |
CHitToSort | |
CHomonym | |
CHost | |
CIndexBigram | |
CIndexItem | |
CIndexSetForBigrams | |
CIndexSetForLoadingStage | CIndexSetForLoadingStage is a part of DDC which is used only on the loading stage |
CIndexSetForQueryingStage | |
CItemIndexForLoading | CItemIndexForLoading holds all occurrences of one index item (token, morph. pattern...) on the index stage |
CLemmaInfo | |
CLemmaInfoAndLemma | |
CLemmatizer | |
CLemmatizerEnglish | |
CLemmatizerGerman | |
CLemmatizerRussian | |
CLemWord | |
CModelPostfix | |
CMorphAutomat | |
CMorphAutomatBuilder | |
CMorphAutomNode | |
CMorphAutomRelation | |
CMorphDict | |
CMorphDictBuilder | |
CMorphForm | |
CMorphologyHolder | |
CMorphSession | |
CMyTimeSpan | |
CMyTimeSpanHolder | |
CNumeralToNumber | |
COccurrenceAndQueryNodeIndex | |
COperationMeterRML | |
COutputToken | |
CPageNumber | |
CParadigmInfo | |
CPlmLine | |
CPlmLineCollection | |
CPredictBase | |
CPredictPartOfSpeech | |
CPredictSuffix | |
CPredictTuple | |
CPredictWord | |
CQueryAndOperation | CQueryAndOperation implements the hit intersection or "and" operator: for example, "Mother&&father" |
CQueryBinaryOperationNode | |
CQueryNearNode | CQueryNearNode is a class which is used to search two or three nodes, which are inside some text period of length CQueryNearNode::m_Distance. It other words it is an implementation of "near" operator: for example, NEAR(a,b,2) |
CQueryNode | CQueryNode is an abstract class for any node in a query parse tree. A parse tree is built by YACC during CQueryParser::ParseQuery. This class contains all members which are common to atomic and operation nodes |
CQueryOrOperation | CQueryAndOperation implements the hit union or "or" operator: for example, "Mother||father" |
CQueryParser | |
CQueryResult | Class CQueryResult contains all information about the first MaxCachedHitsCount hits for the input query. Other hits (beyond MaxCachedHitsCount) are not stored but they can be retrieved on user's demand |
CQuerySequenceNode | CQuerySequenceNode is an implementation of sequence operator, for example, "Mother and father". This class holds a sequence of nodes of type CQueryTokenNode (slot m_Items). Between m_Items[i] and m_Items[i+1] must be no more than m_Distances[i] tokens |
CQueryStatistics | |
CQueryTokenNode | CQueryTokenNode is a class which corresponds to one token or it's singular property (for example lemma) |
CQueryWithNode | CQueryWithNode is a class which is used to search a node which simultaneously has two properties, namely m_pChild1 and m_pChild2. (implementation of "with" operator: for example, Mother with [NOUN] ) |
CRusCorpFeatures | |
CRusCorpXmlFile | |
CRusGramTab | |
CSecondWord | |
CShortOccurCache | |
CShortString | |
CShortStringHolder | |
CSignat | |
CSimpleMeterRML | |
CSlfLineByAncode | |
CSlfLineByAncodeLess | |
CSmallVector< Type, Size > | |
CSortedList | |
CSourceFileHolder | |
CSourceLine | |
CGraphanDicts::CSpacedWord | |
CStaticVectorMap< T > | |
CStatistic | |
CStringIndexator | |
CStringIndexSet | |
CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::CStringItem | |
CStrToCompare | |
CStructEntry | |
CSyntaxHolder | |
CTempArticle | |
CTempBigram | |
CTempBigram2 | |
CConcXml::CTextArea | |
CTextField | |
CTrieNodeBuild | |
CUnitHolder | |
CXmlMorphAnnot | CXmlMorphAnnot holds one morphological interpretation, which is read from xml under CConcIndexator::m_IndexType == MorphXML_Index |
CXmlToken | CXmlToken holds a word and all ist morphological interpretations (used under CConcIndexator::m_IndexType == MorphXML_Index) |
ddcIconv | Interface to iconv.h character-conversion routines |
EnglishNameLess | |
TiXmlBase::Entity | |
TinyXPath::error_not_yet | |
TinyXPath::execution_error | Exceptions |
TinyXPath::expression_result | Class holding the result of an expression (e_expression_type) |
FlexLexer | |
HTML | |
IsLessBigramsWordInfo | |
IsLessByHitOrderId | Less primitive for hits by CHit::m_OrderId (for std::sort) |
IsLessByItemStrNew | |
IsLessByModelNoAndBase | |
IsLessByNotStableItemStrNew | |
CMorphDict::IsLessMorphInterp | |
IsLessRegister | |
IsLessShortString | |
LessIndexString1< IndexType > | |
LessIndexString2< IndexType > | |
LessPageBreak | |
TinyXPath::lex_token | |
MacroSynStackItem | |
MorphoWizard | |
MorphWizardMeter | |
mpStream | |
TinyXPath::node_set | Node set class. A node set is an unordered collection of node |
HTML::offset_range | |
RML_RE::Options | |
TinyXPath::ptr_and_flag | Internal utility class for the node set sorting |
TinyXPath::result_and_next | Xpath_stack element. Derives from expression_result, and also contains a pointer to the next element on the stack |
RML_RE | |
TiXmlBase::StringToBuffer | |
StringTokenizer | |
TinyXPath::syntax_error | Exception class for a syntax error |
TinyXPath::syntax_overflow | Exception class for an overflow in syntax decoding |
TAR | |
tar_header | |
TBasicCortege< MaxNumDom > | |
TCortege10 | |
TCortegeContainer | |
TDomItem | |
TDomNoItemStr | |
tIConv | |
TItemContainer | |
TItemStr | |
TiXmlAttribute | |
TiXmlAttributeSet | |
TiXmlBase | |
TiXmlComment | |
TiXmlCursor | |
TiXmlDeclaration | |
TiXmlDocument | |
TiXmlElement | |
TiXmlElementNoDelete | Utility class to allow us to delete a TiXmlElement without its children |
TiXmlHandle | |
TiXmlNode | |
TiXmlNodeManip | Utility class to reset the parent, prev and next pointers of a node |
TiXmlOutStream | |
TiXmlParsingData | |
TiXmlString | |
TiXmlText | |
TiXmlUnknown | |
TinyXPath::token_list | |
TinyXPath::token_redef | |
TinyXPath::token_syntax_decoder | |
troika< T1, T2, T3 > | |
TRoss | |
TSignatItem | |
TUnitComment | |
TinyXPath::xpath_processor | XPath execution class |
TinyXPath::xpath_stack | |
TinyXPath::xpath_stream | |
yy_buffer_state | |
yy_trans_info | |
yyalloc | |
yyFlexLexer | |