Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCgfsmAlphabetGeneric alphabet structure
oCgfsmAlphabetSaveFileDataDatatype used for save_file() iteration
oCgfsmArc"Heavy" arc structure
oCgfsmArcCompDataData for new-style generic arc comparison
oCgfsmArcIterAbstract type for arc iterators
oCgfsmArcLabelWeighted pair of gfsmLabelId , used by gfsm_automaton_encode()
oCgfsmArcListNode_"Heavy" arc-list structure, no longer using GSList
oCgfsmArcPathToStringOptions_Utility struct for gfsm_arcpath_to_gstring() and friends
oCgfsmArcRangeType for searching and iterating over arcs in a gfsmArcTable
oCgfsmArcTableIndexBasic type for dedicated arc storage state-based arc index
oCgfsmArithParamsType representing all parameters for a generic automaton arithmetic operation
oCgfsmAutomaton"Heavy" automaton type
oCgfsmAutomatonFlagsAutomaton status flags
oCgfsmAutomatonHeaderHeader info for binary files
oCgfsmComposeStateMatched pair of (gfsmStateId)s with an additional filter state (used for transducer composition)
oCgfsmEnumStructure for mapping symbolic names to numeric IDs
oCgfsmIdentityAlphabetSparse identity alphabet structure
oCgfsmIndexedAutomatonType for an indexed automaton
oCgfsmIndexedAutomatonHeaderHeader info for binary files
oCgfsmIOHandleGeneric I/O handle struct
oCgfsmLookupConfigType for gfsm_automaton_lookup() computation state
oCgfsmPathType for an automaton path (labels only, no alignment)
oCgfsmPathsToStringsOptions_Utility struct for gfsm_paths_to_strings()
oCgfsmPointerAlphabet_Pointer-hashing alphabet structure
oCgfsmPosGStringGString with an associated index (read head)
oCgfsmRegexCompilerType for a regular expression compiler
oCgfsmSemiringStruct to represent a builtin semi-ring for gfsm arc weights
oCgfsmStateAutomaton state structure
oCgfsmStatePairMatched pair of state-ids (used for automaton intersection)
oCgfsmStateWeightPairType for a (gfsmStateId,gfsmWeight) pair (used by algebraic operations)
oCgfsmStoredArcType for a stored arc (no 'source' field)
oCgfsmStoredStateType for a stored state
oCgfsmTrainConfig_Low-level type for gfsm_automaton_train() computation state
oCgfsmTrainerTop-level type for automaton training data and options
oCgfsmUserAlphabet_User-extendable alphabet structure
oCgfsmUserAlphabetMethodsMethod table for user-defined alphabets
oCgfsmUserSemiringUser-defined semirings for gfsm operations
oCgfsmVersionInfoLibrary Version information
oCgfsmWeightHashStructure for mapping arbitrary data to gfsmWeights with a hash. really just an ugly wrapper for GHashTable
oCgfsmWeightOrPointerUnion type for converting between gfsmWeight and gpointer. Requires that sizeof(gpointer)>=sizeof(gfsmWeight) in order to work properly
oCyy_buffer_stateFlex-generated lexer input buffer state struct
\CYYSTYPEBison-generated parser rule-value union