This manpage describes the individual file formats used by a single physical DDC (subcorpus) index, created by ddc_index(1) and used by ddc_simple(1), ddc_console(1), and/or ddc_daemon(1).
Each physical index file is associated either with the corpus as a whole (a "corpus-level" file), a token attribute (a "token-level" file) a document attribute (a "document-level" file), or a break collection (a "break-level" file). Each of the following subsections describes the index files at exactly one of these levels.
Each file type described below is characterized with the following attributes:
version: DDC version(s) using this file.
resident: whether the file data is read into resident memory on startup.
mmap: whether the MemoryMap
option introduced in DDC v2.1.12 provides virtual memory-mapping support for files of this type.
popularity: how often the file data is accessed in the course of a persistent server's lifetime,
size: subjective categorization of expected file size (number of bytes used on disk).
growth: expected growth behavior of the file, in big-O notation.
format: brief description of the file format.
accessor: convenience accessor producing the filename, if any.
used by: variable name(s) directly associated with the file.
loaded by: method names(s) responsible for loading file data at runtime.
doc: legacy API documentation about the file or its associated variables, if any.
This section describes the DDC index files associated with the corpus as a whole. Each physical index CORPUS should have at most one of each of these files.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: no
- popularity: high
- size: tiny
- growth: O(1)
- format:
- see ddc_opt(5)
- accessor: MakeFName(FileName, "opt");
- used by:
- CConcIndexator::*
- loaded by:
- CConcIndexator::LoadSourceFilesAndOptions(string FileName)
+ via CConcIndexator::LoadOptionsFromString()
- doc: see ddc_opt(5)
Index options, see ddc_opt(5) for details.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: sometimes
- mmap: no
- popularity: compile-time only (>= v2.1.15)
- size: small
- growth: O(NSources) ~ O(NDocs)
- format:
- 1 souce filename per line
- accessor: CConcIndexator::GetFileNameForCorpusFileNames()
- used by:
- vector<string> CConcIndexator::m_CorpusFiles;
- loaded by:
- CConcIndexator::LoadCorpusFiles()
- doc (StringIndexator.h #corpus_file_def)
Corpus File Definition
A list of corpus files (CConcIndexator::m_CorpusFiles) is built upon a list of
\ref source_file_def "source files" extracting everything from all source archives.
So if a source list doesn't contain archives then the lists of corpus files and source files are
(mostly) identical, otherwise it contains also files from archives, which are prefixed by the name of the archive .
For each corpus file DDC maintains a file \ref break_def "break", quick bibliographical information
(class CBiblIndex) and full bibliographical information (class CBibliography).
List of corpus source files as passed to ddc_index(1). Prior to ddc v2.1.15, this file-list was always loaded into resident anonymous memory on project load. As of v2.1.15, the runtime utilities ddc_daemon
, ddc_dump
, ddc_simple
, ddc_split
, and ddc_stats
no longer load this file. The list of actually indexed source files remains available in CORPUS._con_files.
- version: <= v2.1.12
- resident: yes
- mmap: no
- popularity: high
- size: small
- growth: O(NDocs)
- format:
- version header line
Dialing DWDS Concordance (DDC), Version 2.0.45 / min-compat 2.0.0
- for ddc <= v2.1.12, remainder of file is a file-list as for CORPUS.con
- for ddc >= v2.1.13, any remaining file content is ignored
- accessor: CConcIndexator::GetFileNameForCorpusFileNames()
- used by:
- ddcCorpusList<> CConcIndexator::m_CorpusFiles; //-- formerly vector<string>
- loaded by:
- CConcIndexator::LoadCorpusFiles()
- doc (StringIndexator.h #corpus_file_def)
Corpus File Definition
A list of corpus files (CConcIndexator::m_CorpusFiles) is built upon a list of
\ref source_file_def "source files" extracting everything from all source archives.
So if a source list doesn't contain archives then the lists of corpus files and source files are
(mostly) identical, otherwise it contains also files from archives, which are prefixed by the name of the archive .
For each corpus file DDC maintains a file \ref break_def "break", quick bibliographical information
(class CBiblIndex) and full bibliographical information (class CBibliography).
For DDC > v2.1.13 this file is a dummy stub containing only a version information header, used for compatibility checks. This file's modification time is also used to initialize the index timestamp returned by the server info
In DDC versions prior to v2.1.13, the CORPUS._con file also included a list of newline-separated corpus filenames as for CORPUS.con, which were loaded into memory at runtime. As of v2.1.13, the runtime corpus file-list is stored in mmap()-friendlier format in CORPUS._con_files and CORPUS._con_idx, which see. For compatibility reasons, DDC v2.1.13 will fall back to loading its corpus-list from this file if CORPUS._con_files and/or CORPUS._con_idx are unvavailble.
Note that CORPUS._con (rsp. CORPUS._con_files) contains the list of files actually indexed by the ddc_index
program, and thus may differ from the the list of original source files CORPUS.con passed as input to ddc_index
. In particular, source files from CORPUS.con which contain no tokens or which could not be indexed for any other reason will have no corresponding entry in CORPUS._con*.
- version: >= v2.1.13
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: small
- growth: O(NDocs)
- format:
- file list, "\n"-separated, 1 filename per line in corpus order
- byte offsets in *._con_files are stored in *._con_idx
- accessor: CConcIndexator::GetFileNameForCorpusFileNames() + "_files"
- used by:
- ddcCorpusList<> CConcIndexator::m_CorpusFiles;
- loaded by:
- CConcIndexator::LoadCorpusFiles()
- doc: see CORPUS._con
List of corpus source files written by ddc_index(1) and loaded or mmap()ed at runtime; see CORPUS._con.
- version: >= v2.1.13
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: small
- growth: O(NDocs)
- format:
- vector<DWORD> [size=NDocs]
- DWORD -> uint32_t
- byte offsets in CORPUS._con_files of indexed files, in corpus order
- accessor: CConcIndexator::GetFileNameForCorpusFileNames() + "_files"
- used by:
- ddcCorpusList<> CConcIndexator::m_CorpusFiles;
- loaded by:
- CConcIndexator::LoadCorpusFiles()
- doc: see CORPUS._con, CORPUS._con_files
Item-wise byte offsets of corpus source filenames in CORPUS._con_files written by ddc_index(1) and loaded or mmap()ed at runtime; see CORPUS._con and CORPUS._con_files.
- version: >= v2.1.13
- resident: yes
- mmap: no
- popularity: unknown
- size: miniscule
- growth: O(1)
- format:
- string: longest common string prefix of all filenames in CORPUS._con_files
- accessor: none
- used by:
- string CConcIndexator::m_CommonFilePrefix;
- loaded by:
- CConcIndexator::LoadCorpusFiles()
- doc: see CORPUS._con
Longest common string prefix of all filenames in CORPUS._con_files. Prior to v2.1.13, this value was computed at corpus startup, which can get irritatingly expensive for huge corpora. For compatibility reasons, DDC >= v2.1.13 will fall back to the old behavior if this file is unavailable.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: no
- popularity: optional (high if present)
- size: typically tiny if present at all
- growth: O(NMasked)
- format:
- 1 filename per line (as for *.con)
- causes any hits in any file listed in *._masked to be suppressed
- accessor: CConcIndexator::GetFileNameForMaskedFiles()
- used by:
- set<size_t> CConcIndexator::m_MaskedFiles;
- loaded by:
- CConcIndexator::LoadMaskedFiles()
- doc: (none)
Optional list of corpus files for which hits are to be suppressed (simulated deletion). Should be kept very small to minimize startup overhead O(NMasked*NFiles).
- version: >= v2.1.24
- resident: yes
- mmap: not really
- popularity: optional (high if present)
- size: typically tiny if present at all
- growth: O(NMaskedBin)
- format:
- vector<CFileNo=DWORD> [size=NMaskedBin]
- flat list of file IDs (line-numbers in *._con_files) to be masked a la CORPUS._masked
- accessor: CConcIndexator::GetFileNameForMaskedFileIds()
- used by:
- set<size_t> CConcIndexator::m_MaskedFiles;
- loaded by:
- CConcIndexator::LoadMaskedFiles()
- doc: (none)
Optional list of corpus file-IDs for which hits are to be suppressed (simulated deletion) a la CORPUS._masked. Moire efficient than CORPUS._masked, since since binary mask-vector doesn't need linear search for filename-to-ID resolution at startup time. Should still be kept relatively small to minimize corpus bloat and avert a zombie apocalypse.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: no
- popularity: high
- size: tiny
- growth: O(NTokens)
- format:
- vector<CTokenNo> [size=NPeriods]
- CTokenNo -> DWORD -> uint32_t
- token-IDs of period end-offsets, indexed by logical period-ID
- typically less than 100 bytes long, never yet observed to be more than 300 bytes long (longest = ibk_web_2016b14._periods at 228 bytes)
- accessor: CStringIndexator::GetSearchPeriodsFileName()
- used by:
- vector<CTokenNo> CStringIndexator::m_SearchPeriods;
- loaded by: (none)
- CStringIndexator::ReadIndicesFromTheDisk()
+ populatesCStringIndexator::m_SearchPeriods via ReadVector()
- doc (StringIndexator.h #period_def)
A "corpus period", "internal subcorpus" or a "search period" is a \ref break_def "break", which is introduced to restrict
the memory usage. Corpus period always coincides with a file break. The size of one
corpus period is 5000000 by default and can be determined manualy using field "UserMaxTokenCountInOnePeriod"
in the options file. While evaluating a query DDC deals only with one corpus period at a time, so
DDC applies the input query to each corpus period, and then concatenates the results.
Corpus periods are also used in storing \ref perdiv_def "period divisions"
Token offsets of corpus "period" boundaries; see UserMaxTokenCountInOnePeriod
. Due to its expected small size, this file is always loaded into anonymous resident memory rather than mmap()
ed, because the latter would always allocate at least one entire page (typically 4KB) of memory.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: no
- mmap: no
- popularity: compile-time only
- size: ?
- growth: O(?)
- format:
- formatted text
- accessor: CConcIndexatorInvoker::GetErrorLogFileName(string Path)
- used by:
- CConcIndexatorInvoker::BuildIndex(string ProjectFile)
- loaded by: (none)
- doc: (none)
Error log written at compile-time; may be missing or empty.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: no
- mmap: no
- popularity: compile-time only
- size: ?
- growth: O(?)
- format:
- formatted text
- accessor: CConcIndexatorInvoker::GetTimeStatisticsFileName(string Path)
- used by:
- CConcIndexatorInvoker::BuildIndex(string ProjectFile)
+ calls CConcIndexatorInvoker::WriteTimeStatistics(const CConcIndexator& Indexator, DWORD CorpusEndTokenNo, DWORD MaxTokenCountInOnePeriod)
- loaded by: (none)
- doc: (none)
Basic profiling information written at compile time, not used at runtime.
This section describes the DDC index files associated with a single token attribute. Each token attribute TOKATTR for each physical index CORPUS should be associated with one of each of these files.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: medium
- growth: O(NTypes)
- format: raw strings (types), NUL-terminated, in compile-time document order
- used by:
- ddcVecFile<char> CIndexSetForLoadingStage::m_StringBuffer;
- loaded by:
- CStringIndexSet::ReadFromTheDisk()
- doc (StringIndexator.h #index_set_def):
An index set consists of the list of strings (which are also called "index items") and corresponding
lists of their occurrences in the corpus, for example:\n\n
mother -> 1, 100, 457 \n
mothered -> 5006\n
mothering -> 2, 120, 147\n
A string to index can contain any char except \\0. All strings of one index set are stored in a
special file (see CIndexSetForQueryingStage::GetFileNameForInfos() ).
Buffer holding all distinct string values (types) for TOKATTR, NUL-terminated, in compile-time document order.
- version: >= v2.1.21 (optional)
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: low
- size: medium
- growth: O(NTypes)
- format: vector<DWORD> [size=NTypes]
- used by:
- CSuffixIndex CIndexSetForQueryingStage::m_rIndex
+ typedef ddcVecFile<DWORD> CSuffixIndex
+ used by CStringIndexSet::QueryTokenListWithLeftTruncation()
- loaded by:
- CIndexSetForQueryingStage::LoadIndexSet()
All Item-IDs (= indices into CIndexSetForQueryingStage::m_Index[]
) sorted by reverse associated string-value. Used for fast discovery (binary search) of all index items matching a given suffix by CStringIndexSet::QueryTokenListWithLeftTruncation()
. If this file is not present, DDC will fall back to the pre-v2.1.21 full-vocabulary regex search behavior for suffix queries.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: medium
- growth: O(NTypes)
- format: vector<CIndexItem>
- {DWORD m_IndexItemOffsetAndFlags; DWORD m_EndOccurOffset;} [size=NTypes]
- used by:
- ddcVecFile<CIndexItem> CIndexSetForQueryingStage::m_Index
+ used by CIndexItem::GetEndOccurOffset()
+ used by CIndexSetForQueryingStage::GetStartOccurNo(size_t IndexNo)
- loaded by:
- CIndexSetForQueryingStage::LoadIndexSet()
Flags and byte-offsets in CORPUS._TOKATTR for TOKATTR value-types, indexed by type-id.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: no
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: large
- growth: O(NTokens)
- format:
- vector<CTokenNo> [size=NTypes-NHapax]
- presumably, OccursFp[m_Index[TypeId-1].m_EndOccurOffset .. m_Index[TypeId].m_EndOccurOffset]
holds logical corpus offsets of all occurrences for type TypeId
- looks like special case for hapax types (f(TypeId)==1), for which the singleton corpus offset
itself lives in m_Index[TypeId]
- hapax are presumably identified by
(m_Index[TypeId].m_IndexItemOffsetAndFlags & TheOnlyOccurIsInEndOccurNo) != 0
- looking at D* indices, this seems to be Not Worth It (TM),
at least in terms of disk space.
- used by:
- FILE* CIndexSetForQueryingStage::m_OccursFp
- CIndexSetForQueryingStage::ReadOccurrences (CTokenNo* OutBuffer, file_off_t FilePosition, size_t Count) const
- CIndexSetForQueryingStage::CIndexSetForQueryingStage::AddOccurs (size_t PeriodDevId, const bool bOneOccurrence, const size_t StartOccurNo, const size_t EndOccurNo, vector<CTokenNo>& Occurs, size_t PeriodNo, COccurrBuffer& TempOccurrsBuffer, CShortOccurCache* pCacheByIndexSet, int& CacheId) const
- CStringIndexSet::FindOccurrences (const vector<DWORD>& IndexItems, const size_t PeriodNo, vector<CTokenNo>& occurrences, CMyTimeSpanHolder& Profiler, CShortOccurCacheMap* pCaches, vector<int>& CacheIds) const
- CQueryTokenNode::EvaluateWithoutHits()
- loaded by:
- CIndexSetForQueryingStage::LoadIndexSet() //-- opens FILE* CIndexSetForQueryingStage::m_OccursFp
- doc:
(StringIndexator #index_set_def)
Regarding occurrences, DDC distinguishes three types of occurrence lists: \n
- singleton (which is always in the memory);
- \ref long_listdef "short lists";
- \ref long_listdef "long lists";
(StringIndexator #long_listdef)
A list of occurrences is called "long" if its length is more than OccurBufferSize, otherwise it is
called a "short" one.
Inverted index for (non-hapax) TOKATTR value-types, indexed by type-id; mmap() support since v2.2.0.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: no
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: large
- growth: O(NTokens)
- format: vector of CTokenNo (-> DWORD -> uint32_t), attribute value-type id by corpus token offset [size=NTokens]
- used by:
- FILE* CStringIndexSet::m_StorageFile
- CStringIndexSet::GetTokensFromStorage(const size_t start_offset, const size_t end_offset, vector<COutputToken>& Tokens) const
- CConcIndexator::GetTokensFromStorageByBreak()
- CConcIndexator::DumpFileIndexTabs()
- loaded by:
- CStringIndexSet::OpenStorageFile()
- doc (StringIndexator.h #storage_def)
An index storage is a sequence of integers X1...XN, where N is the number of tokens in
the corpus. Each Xi points to an indexed string, for example for the token index it points to a token.
The order of X1...XN is just the same as it was in the input corpus. For example using
Token index storage DDC can reproduce the whole corpus word by word. By default the first index of the corpus has an index storage,
for the other indices this option is switched off (see CIndexSetForLoadingStage::m_bUseItemStorage).
Values for TOKATTR indexed by logical token-ID. Only available if the STORAGE
option was set for TOKATTR at compile-time.
mmap() support since v2.2.0.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: low (only used for VHF types)
- size: small
- growth: O(NTypes)
- format:
- (DWORD PeriodDivId (==TypeId); DWORD EndOffsetsForTypeIdByPeriod[CountOfPeriods])*
- DWORD (-> uint32_t)*
- size=((size(File)/(m_pParent->GetSearchPeriodsCount()+1)) / sizeof(DWORD)) * m_pParent->GetSearchPeriodsCount()
= ((size(File)/(m_pParent->GetSearchPeriodsCount()+1)) / sizeof(DWORD)) * m_pParent->GetSearchPeriodsCount()
- used by:
- PeriodsDivisionMapT CIndexSetForQueryingStage::m_EndPeriodOffsets;
+ ConcCommon.h: typedef map<DWORD, vector<DWORD> > PeriodsDivisionMap;
- CIndexSetForQueryingStage::AddOccurs (size_t PeriodDivId, const bool bOneOccurrence, const size_t StartOccurNo, const size_t EndOccurNo, vector<CTokenNo>& Occurs, size_t PeriodNo, COccurrBuffer& TempOccurrsBuffer, CShortOccurCache* pCacheByIndexSet, int& CacheId) const
+ as called from CStringIndexSet::FindOccurrences(), PeriodDivId is used as the key (==IndexItemId), and the associated period boundaries are the value
- loaded by:
- CIndexSetForQueryingStage::LoadPeriodDivision()
- doc (StringIndexator.h #perdiv_dev)
Period division for long occurrence lists
For each \ref long_listdef "long list" DDC stores so called \b period \b division, which is a list of
integers X[1],X[2], ..X[M], where M is the number of \ref period_def "corpus periods".
All occurrences from X[i-1] until X[i] belongs to corpus period i. Generally, using this period division
one can quickly get the sublist of occurrences which belongs to the same corpus period. All period divisions
are written in CIndexSetForQueryingStage::m_EndPeriodOffsets .
Painfully complex indirection level for splitting up index entries by "corpus search periods"; probably really only useful for very-high-frequency items, which can easily make other things explode anyways, so likely not even all too useful for those. Note also that unlike other token-attribute index files, there is no underscore between perdiv
and the token attribute name TOKATTR in this filename. Thus was it in the beginning, and thus it has remained.
This section describes the DDC index files associated with a single document attribute. Each document attribute DOCATTR for each physical index CORPUS may be associated with one or more of these files:
- version: <= v2.1.11 (compatibility fallback >= v2.1.12)
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: small to medium (comparable to _Lemma (types) for ibk_web_2016b)
- growth: O(NValueTypes)
- format:
- 1 value-type per line ("\n"-separated), [nlines=NBasenames]
- lines sorted lexicographically, line number is logical key of value-id (offset in CFreeBiblStringIndex::m_Values)
- accessor: CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::GetStringFileName (string Path)
- used by:
- ddcStringEnum<> CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::m_ValuesE;
- loaded by:
- CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::ReadBiblStringItems (vector<string>& Set, string FileName) const
+ via CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::ReadFromDisk (string Path, DWORD FileBreaksSize)
Value types for DOCATTR as used by DDC <= v2.1.11. As of DDC v2.1.12, the relevant data is stored in a pair of mmap()-friendly files CORPUS._bibl_DOCATTR_strings_values and CORPUS._bibl_DOCATTR_strings_idx, which see.
mmap() support since v2.2.0.
- version: >= v2.1.12
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: small to medium (comparable to _Lemma (types) for ibk_web_2016b)
- growth: O(NValueTypes)
- format: raw strings (types), NUL-terminated, in lexicographically sorted order
- record number is logical key of value-id (offset in CFreeBiblStringIndex::m_ValuesE)
- accessor: CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::GetStringFileName (string Path) + "_values"
- used by:
- ddcStringEnum<> CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::m_ValuesE;
- loaded by:
- CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::ReadBiblStringItems (vector<string>& Set, string FileName) const
+ via CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::ReadFromDisk (string Path, DWORD FileBreaksSize)
mmap()-friendly value types for DOCATTR as used by DDC >= v2.1.12. Together with CORPUS._bibl_DOCATTR_strings_idx, replaces CORPUS._bibl_DOCATTR_strings.
- version: >= v2.1.12
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: small
- growth: O(NValueTypes)
- format:
- vector<DWORD> [size=NValueTypes]
- byte-offsets of string values in CORPUS._bibl_DOCATTR_strings_values, indexed by logical ID
- accessor: CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::GetStringFileName (string Path) + "_idx"
- used by:
- ddcStringEnum<> CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::m_ValuesE;
- loaded by:
- CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::ReadBiblStringItems (vector<string>& Set, string FileName) const
+ via CConcXml::CFreeBiblStringIndex::ReadFromDisk (string Path, DWORD FileBreaksSize)
mmap()-friendly item offsets for DOCATTR as used by DDC >= v2.1.12. Together with CORPUS._bibl_DOCATTR_strings_values, replaces CORPUS._bibl_DOCATTR_strings.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: small
- growth: O(NDocs)
- format:
- DWORD [size=NDocs]
- 1 value-type id (or literal value for integer fields) for each doc, indexed by doc-id
- accessor: CConcXml::CFreeBiblIndex::GetIndexFileName (string Path)
- used by:
- ddcVecFile<DWORD> CConcXml::CFreeBiblIndex::m_ValuesForEachFile;
- loaded by:
- CConcXml::CFreeBiblIndex::ReadFromDisk (string Path, DWORD FileBreaksSize)
Document-ID to attribute lookup table for DOCATTR.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: small
- growth: O(NDocs)
- format:
- int [size=NDocs]
- 1 ddc-encoded date for each doc, indexed by doc-id
- accessor: CConcXml::GetBiblDateIndexFileName()
- used by:
- ddcVecFile<DWORD> CConcXml::m_Dates;
- loaded by:
- CConcXml::LoadBibl(string Path, size_t FileBreaksSize)
Support for the date
metadata field is hard-coded into the DDC library itself, so this file gets its own naming conventions.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: no
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: small-medium
- growth: O(NDocs)
- format:
- line-based, pseudo-XML, (1? <= n <= 3?) lines per file, 1 builtin bibl-record (date|orig|scan) per line
- file-wise byte-offsets are provided by vector<file_off_t> CConcXml::m_EndOffsetsInBiblFile ("CORPUS._bibl_idx")
- example (kern01):
<orig> Bassewitz, Gerdt von: Peterchens Mondfahrt, o. O.: 1900</orig>
<date> 1900-12-31</date>
<scan> Bassewitz, Gerdt von: Peterchens Mondfahrt, München: Dt. Taschenbuch-Verl. 1991</scan>
<orig> Brief von Wilhelm Busch an Erich Bachmann vom 02.01.1900</orig>
<date> 1900-01-02</date>
<scan> Brief von Wilhelm Busch an Erich Bachmann vom 02.01.1900. In: ders., Gesammelte Werke, Berlin: Directmedia Publ. 2002</scan>
- accessor: CConcXml::GetBiblFileName()
- used by:
- FILE* CConcXml::m_BiblBodyFile;
- CBibliography CConcXml::GetFullBibliographyOfHit(size_t FileNo) const //-- with locking
- loaded by:
- CConcXml::LoadBibl(string Path, size_t FileBreaksSize)
+ sets m_BiblBodyFile = fopen(GetBiblFileName().c_str(), "rb");
- doc:
File of Bibliographical references
String values for built-in DDC metadata fields (read-only, no runtime query support, should probably go away); mmap() support since v2.2.0.
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: small
- growth: O(NDocs)
- format:
- vector<file_off_t=QWORD=uint64_t> [size=NDocs]
- pseudo-XML for doc-id DOC lives at bytes B with (m_EndOffsetsInBiblFile[DOC-1] <= B < m_EndOffsetsInBiblFile[DOC])
- special case for DOC==0 --> bytes B (0 <= B < m_EndOffsetsInBiblFile[DOC=0])
- accessor: CConcXml::GetBiblIndexFileName()
- used by:
- ddcVecFile<file_off_t> CConcXml::m_EndOffsetsInBiblFile; //-- file_off_t --> QWORD --> uint64_t
- loaded by:
- CConcXml::LoadBibl(string Path, size_t FileBreaksSize)
- doc: (undocumented)
Document-ID to built-in metadata lookup table (byte offsets).
This section describes the DDC index files associated with a single "break collection". Each break collection BREAK for each physical index CORPUS may be associated with one or more of these files:
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high (hit boundaries)
- size: medium
- growth: O(NBreaks) ~ O(NTokens)
- format:
- vector<CTokenNo> BreakOffsets [size=NBreaks]
- break number BRKI covers tokens TOKI with (BreakOffsets[BRKI-1] <= TOKI < BreakOffsets[BRKI])
- special case for BRKI==0 --> tokens (0 <= TOKI < BreakOffsets[BRKI])
- accessor: CHitBorders::CBreakCollection::GetBreakFileName(string Path);
- used by:
- ddcBreakVector CHitBorders::CBreakCollection::m_BreakOffsets [size=NBreaks]
+ ddcBreakVector -> ddcVecFile<CTokenNo> (convenience typedef)
+ CTokenNo -> DWORD -> uint32_t
- loaded by:
- CHitBorders::CBreakCollection::ReadFromDisk(string Path)
- doc (HitBorder.h #break_def)
A "break" is a border between two adjacent sentences, paragraphs, files or other text chunks.
Generally, a break of a type \b t is an integer end offset of a token chunk in the corpus.
Type \b t can be sentence, a clause, a file etc. The ordered concatenation of all chunks of
type \b t is the corpus itself, so it means that there is no intersection between these chunks and no uncovered parts.
One break collection of type \b t has short and long names.
All break collections are stored in CHitBorders::m_Breaks indexed by their short names.
\see CHitBorders
- version: >= v2.0.0
- resident: yes
- mmap: yes
- popularity: high
- size: small to medium
- growth: O(NPages) ~ O(NTokens)
- format:
- vector<CPageNumber> [size=NPages]
+ CPageNumber = struct {CTokenNo m_StartTokenNo; DWORD m_PageNumber;}
+ CTokenNo -> DWORD -> uint32_t
- accessor: CHitBorders::GetPageBreaksFileName(string Path)
- used by:
- ddcVecFile<CPageNumber> CHitBorders::m_PageBreaks;
- loaded by:
- CHitBorders::LoadHitBorders(string Path)
- doc (HitBorder.h #pb_def, #CPageNumber)
A "page break" is a \ref break_def break, which additionally contains an integer page number
\see CPageNumber.
CPageNumber is a structure that holds a page number and the index of token, from which this page starts
Page-level breaks are handled separately by the DDC core. This handling should probably be replaced by generic "container-attributes" with runtime query support.
Alexey Sokirko wrote the original DDC.
Bryan Jurish <>
ddc_opt(5), ddc_server.opt(5), ddc_cfg(5)