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CTabFormatIndexator Class Reference

#include <TabFormatIndexator.h>

Inheritance diagram for CTabFormatIndexator:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CTabFormatIndexator:
Collaboration graph

Protected Member Functions

void IndexTabFormat (CIndexDocument *document)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CConcordance
void AssertHasPath () const
void LoadOptionsFromString (string Options)
 loads options from a string More...
void InitDefaultOptions ()
string SaveOptionsToString () const
 saves options to a string More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CStringIndexator
bool RegisterChunkIndex ()
 register chunk index (chunks:NP, VP etc) More...
string GetSearchPeriodsFileName () const
 return the file name for search periods More...
bool DestroyIndices ()
 call DestroyIndexSet for all registered indices More...
void ReadIndicesFromTheDisk ()
 call ReadFromTheDisk for all registered indices More...
void ClearStringIndices ()
 clear m_Indices More...
void IndexOneToken (CTokenIndexator *document, const char *Line, bool tryFixErrors=true)
 index one token and its properies (delimited by CConcCommon.h::globalFieldDelimeter) More...
void IndexTokenFixLongColumns (const size_t MaxLen, const size_t nCols, const char *InputLine, char *Out)
 moo: truncate long columns in InputLine, storing result in Out More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CHitBorders
string GetPageBreaksFileName (string Path) const
 returns the file name for page breaks More...
string GetShortNameByName (const string &BreakName) const
 returns the short name of a break collection by the long or the short name More...
bool StartIndexing (string Path)
 opens for writing all CBreakCollectionDescr::m_FileForIndexing from m_Breaks More...
bool RemoveHitBordersFileAndClear (string Path)
 deletes all break files More...
void AddPageBreak (const CPageNumber &P)
 adds one page break More...
void SavePageBreaks (const string &ProjectPath)
 save page break file More...
int RegisterBreak (string ShortName, string LongName)
int EnsureRegisteredBreak (string ShortName, string LongName)
int GetBreakCollectionIndexByName (string ShortName) const
void AddBreakByIndex (DWORD BreakCollectionNo, const CTokenNo &B)

Private Member Functions

void AddColumnMap (const string &field, const string &value, CTabFormattedMetaParams *params)
void ProcessMetaField (CIndexDocument *document, const string &line, CTabFormattedMetaParams *params)
void ProcessBreakRecord (CIndexDocument *document, const string &line, CTabFormattedMetaParams *params)
void ProcessToken (CIndexDocument *document, const string &line)

Private Attributes

PtrHolder< CBibliographyPrevBibl

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CStringIndexator
typedef map< string, string > IndexAliasMap
 typedef for index alias maps More...
typedef map< string, CStringIndexSet * > IndexMap
 typedef for index symbol table More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CConcordance
 CConcordance ()
 ~CConcordance ()
void RegisterIndicesToShow (const string &IndexListStr)
 wrapper for IndicesToShow option; now accepts integer position (min=1), long name, short name, or alias More...
string GetIndicesToShowStr (bool Positional=false) const
 get opt-style string declaration for IndicesToShow (empty if default) More...
RML_RE::Options GetRegexOptions () const
 return default pcre regex options More...
bool IsDwdsCorpusInterface () const
 return true, if DDC outputs results in DWDS format More...
bool IsGutenbergInterface () const
 return true, if DDC outputs results in Gutenberg project format More...
bool HasContextOperator () const
 return true, if query context operator (#Cntxt) is switched off More...
bool UseDwdsThesaurus () const
 return true, if DWDS thesaurus is enabled (index "Thes") More...
bool OutputBibliographyOfHits () const
 return true, if DDC should output bibliographical information for hits instead of corpus file names More...
bool IndexPunctuation () const
 wrapper for m_bIndexPunctuation More...
string GetHtmlReference (size_t posFile) const
 get an HTML formatted reference to a corpus file More...
string GetShortFilename (size_t posFile) const
 get a reference to a corpus file without the common left prefix More...
string GetFileNameForCorpusFileNames () const
 get file name for storing corpus file names More...
string GetFileNameForMaskedFiles () const
 get file name for masked files (strings) More...
string GetFileNameForMaskedFileIds () const
 get file name for masked files (IDs, binary) More...
vector< string > GetTokenFields (const COutputToken &tok)
 parse a delimited token into fields by splitting on m_InterpDelimiter More...
size_t GetCorpusFilesCount () const
 get the number of indexed corpus files More...
string GetCorpusFile (CFileNo FileNo) const
 get corpus file by index More...
size_t GetMaskedFilesCount () const
 get count of masked files More...
void LoadSourceFilesAndOptions (string FileName, bool reallyReadSourceFiles=true)
 load list of source files and parses option file (*.opt) More...
void LoadCorpusFiles ()
 load list of corpus files (*.con) More...
string GetCommonFilePrefix () const
 (re-)compute common prefix of corpus files in m_CorpusFiles More...
void LoadMaskedFiles ()
 load list of masked (deleted)Corpus File Definition More...
void LoadOptionsFromFile (const string &OptFile)
 loads options from a named file (calls LoadOptionsFromString()) More...
void LoadProject (string FileName, bool includeSourceFiles=true)
 loads everything More...
time_t UpdateTimestamp (const char *filename)
 update m_Timestamp to mtime of Filename if it is newer than the current m_Timestamp; More...
void DumpBibliography (FILE *f=stdout) const
 dump loaded metadata to a stream (JSON) More...
string DumpFileBibliography (DWORD FileNo) const
 dump file metadata to a string (JSON) More...
void DumpFileIndexJson (DWORD FileNo, FILE *f=stdout) const
 dump file data to a file (JSON) More...
void DumpIndex (string dirname, CIndexDumpFormat fmt=idfJson) const
 dump index data to a directory (format-dependent) More...
void DumpIndexToSingleTabFile (FILE *outfp) const
 dump index data to a single tab formatted file More...
bool SaveOptions (string FileName) const
 saves options to option file (*.opt) More...
bool GetAllOccurrences (vector< CTokenNo > &occurrences, size_t searchPeriodNo) const
 moo: get a vector of all occurrences in a given search period; used by universal wildcard (*) queries More...
bool GetOccurrencesByPosition (const string &BreakName, int anchor, vector< CTokenNo > &occurrences, size_t searchPeriodNo) const
 moo: search named break collection for matching positions, used by anchor queries More...
bool UseTabFormatForLoading () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CStringIndexator
 CStringIndexator ()
 ~CStringIndexator ()
bool RegisterStringIndices (const string &IndicesStr)
 read index declarations from a string and register them More...
bool RegisterIndexAliases (const string &IndexAliasStr)
 read index alias declarations from a string and register them; returns true iff all registrations were successful More...
bool RegisterIndexAlias (const string &AliasFrom, const string &AliasTo)
 register a single index alias (low-level); returns true iff AliasTo resolves to a known index according to m_AliasMap More...
void RegisterIndexAlias (const string &AliasFrom, CStringIndexSet *idx)
 register a single index label or alias (lowest-level); if idx is NULL, any existing entry for AliasFrom will be deleted More...
void SetPath (string Path)
 set the path to the indices More...
string GetIndicesString () const
 return all registered index declarations, in opt-file syntax More...
string GetIndexAliasString () const
 return all registered index aliases, in opt-file syntax More...
size_t GetSearchPeriodsCount () const
 return the number of corpus periods More...
const CTokenNoGetSearchPeriod (size_t i) const
 get a corpus period by an index More...
bool StartIndexing (string Path)
 call CreateTempFiles for all registered indices More...
void TerminateIndexing ()
 call DeleteTempFiles for all registered indices More...
bool FinalSaveAllIndices (bool bAfterLoading)
 final saving all indices to disk (converting temp files to persistent) More...
bool AddInputLoadIndexToMemoryLoadIndex ()
 unites input index with memory index and clears input load index More...
bool AddMemoryLoadIndexToMainLoadIndex ()
 unites memory index with main index and clears memory load index More...
bool SaveMemoryLoadIndex ()
 store memory load index on the disk More...
CStringIndexSetGetIndexByName (const string &Name)
 return a pointer to the index by CStringIndexSet::m_Name (linear search) More...
CStringIndexSetGetIndexByNameOrShortName (const string &Name)
 return a pointer to the index by CStringIndexSet::m_Name or CStringIndexSet::m_ShortName (linear search) More...
CStringIndexSetGetIndexByAlias (const string &Alias) const
 return a pointer to the index by long-name, short-name, or alias (most abstract, uses m_IndexMap) More...
CStringIndexSetGetTokenIndex ()
 return the first index that normally contains tokens themselves More...
const CStringIndexSetGetTokenIndex () const
 return the first index that normally contains tokens themselves More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CHitBorders
const CBreakCollectionGetBreakCollectionByName (const string &Name) const
 moo: get break collection by long or short name More...
const vector< CBreakCollection > & GetBreaks (void) const
 moo: get break collection map (dangerous) More...
 CHitBorders ()
string GetBorderIndicesString () const
 return the string representation of break collection descriptions More...
string WithinBreakName (const vector< string > &Within) const
const ddcBreakVectorGetBreaksByName (const string &ShortName) const
 returns a break collection by a short name More...
CTokenNo GetCorpusEndTokenNo () const
 returns the value of the last file break (which should be equal to the last value of any break collection) More...
const ddcBreakVectorGetFileBreaks () const
 quick reference to file breaks More...
CTokenNo GetFileStartTokenNo (size_t FileNo) const
 returns the start position of corpus file FileNo More...
DWORD GetPageNumber (size_t No) const
 returns m_PageBreaks[No].m_PageNumber (see CPageNumber) More...
bool IsRegisteredBreak (const string &ShortName) const
 returns true if a short name is found in m_Breaks More...
void RegisterBorderIndices (const char *IndicesStr)
 creates empty elements of m_Breaks by its string descriptions More...
bool LoadHitBorders (string Path, bool useMMap=false)
 load break collections from the disk More...
void ConvertHitsToPageBreaks (vector< CHit >::const_iterator hits_begin, vector< CHit >::const_iterator hits_end, const ddcBreakVector &Breaks, DwordVector &PageBreaks) const
 converts hits to page breaks, which contains this breaks More...
ddcVecFile< CPageNumber >::const_iterator GetTokenPageBreak (CTokenNo tok) const
 get page break for a given token number as an interator into m_PageBreaks More...
void AddBreakByName (const string &ShortName, const CTokenNo &B)
 adds one break to a collection identified by a short name (during indexing) More...
void BordersEndIndexing (string Path)
 closes all CBreakCollectionDescr::m_FileForIndexing from m_Breaks (during indexing) More...
void StartTextAreaBorders ()
 must be called before indexing each text area in order to create at least on break in each text area More...
void EndTextAreaBorders (DWORD TextAreaEndTokenNo)
 must be called after indexing each text area in order to create at least on break in each text area More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CSourceFileHolder
 CSourceFileHolder ()
bool SaveSourceFileList (string FileName)
 Saves the list of source files to file *.con. More...
void DeleteSourceFile (long ItemNo)
 Deletes a source file. More...
void AddSourceFile (const char *FileName)
 Adds a source file. More...
void DeleteAllSourceFiles ()
 deletes all Source File Definition source files More...
size_t GetSourceFilesCount () const
string GetSourceFile (size_t FileNo) const
 get the source file by the index More...
void AddSourceFilesFrom (const CSourceFileHolder &X)
void ReadSourceFileList (string FileName)
int FoundNotExistedFile () const
 finds a source file which does not exist, if there is no such file, returns -1 More...
bool IsModified () const
- Public Attributes inherited from CConcordance
MorphLanguageEnum m_Language
 the language of the corpus More...
bool m_bIndexMorphPatterns
 Enables the index of morph patterns. More...
bool m_bIndexChunks
 Enables indexing and querying using chunks. More...
bool m_bCaseSensitive
 if true, then the default search is case sensitive More...
bool m_bShowNumberOfRelevantDocuments
 if true, then DDC always calculates the number of documents, where at lease one hit is found More...
bool m_bQueryOnlyFiles
 prohibits sentence break collection under DWDS_Index or MorphXML_Index More...
bool m_bArchiveIndex
 sets that index should be archived under DWDS_Index or MorphXML_Index More...
bool m_bResumeOnIndexErrors
 if true, CConcIndexatorInvoker skips source documents with errors More...
ddcCorpusList m_CorpusFiles
 Corpus files More...
CMaskedFileSet m_MaskedFiles
CConcXml m_BiblIndex
 a member which holds a index for bibliographical information More...
CHighlightTags m_HtmlHighlighting
 highlighting tags for CConcHolder::m_ResultFormat == DDC_ResultHTML More...
CHighlightTags m_TextHighlighting
 highlighting delimeters for CConcHolder::m_ResultFormat == DDC_ResultText More...
CHighlightTags m_TableHighlighting
 highlighting delimeters for CConcHolder::m_ResultFormat == DDC_ResultTable More...
bool m_bDisableDefaultQueryLexicalExpansion
 if true, then no default lexical expansion fo querz words occurs More...
int m_LeftKwicContextSize
 the size of the left context of the highlighted words in document search More...
int m_RightKwicContextSize
 the size of the right context of the highlighted words in document search More...
int m_NumberOfKwicLinesInSnippets
 the maximal number of kwic lines in file snippets More...
double m_TfIdfRank
 the parameter for TfIdf ranking More...
double m_NearRank
 the parameter for Near ranking More...
double m_PositionRank
 the parameter for Position ranking More...
string m_InterpDelimiter
 delimiter to use between token index fields in output More...
string m_TokenDelimiter
 delimiter to use between tokens in output More...
bool m_Utf8
 whether to assume indexed data is utf8 encoded (default=no) More...
bool m_bAllowUnsafeQueries
 potentially unsafe queries will throw an exception unless this is true (default=false) More...
bool m_bAllowCountByTokenAttributes
 using any token attribute as a count-key will throw an exception unless this is true (default=true) More...
bool m_bLemmaQueryUsesMorphPattern
 interpret "%foo" queries using MorphPattern? (default=true) More...
vector< size_t > m_IndicesToShow
 indices to show for Free_Index More...
time_t m_Timestamp
 moo: timestamp of project *._con file More...
size_t m_MaxCachedHitsCount
 moo: maximum number of hits in a CConcHolder cache entry – query results with more than MaxCachedHitsCount hits will not be cached (default=512) More...
size_t m_MaxQueryCacheSize
 moo: maximum number of queries to be cached by an associated CConcHolder (default=512) More...
TxDispatcher m_Txd
 term expansion dispatcher; should define at least an entry for "default" More...
map< string, string > m_OpDefaultIndexNames
 maps token-query operators to default index names; keys are as returned by CQToken::OperatorKey() More...
map< string, pair< bool, string > > m_ServerInfo
 maps symbolic keys to string constants to be included in corpus 'info' response as info.user.KEY=VAL values are pairs (isFile,Value) s.t. Value is filename iff isFile is a true value, otherwise a literal value More...
- Public Attributes inherited from CStringIndexator
string m_Path
 where all indices are stored More...
bool m_bMemoryMap
 whether to directly mmap() index file data (default=false) More...
vector< CStringIndexSet * > m_Indices
 the registered indices, by positional index More...
IndexAliasMap m_IndexAlias
 declared index aliases (FROM -> TO); not really used at runtime More...
IndexMap m_IndexMap
 all registered indices, keyed by long-name, short-name, or label (LABEL -> INDEX) More...
size_t m_MaxRegExpExpansionSize
 the maximal number of index items which can be included in an expansion set of one regular expression More...
 a quick reference to a chunk index, if CConcIndexator::m_bIndexChunks is on, otherwise null More...
- Protected Types inherited from CConcordance
enum  DDCIndexTypeEnum { DWDS_Index, MorphXML_Index, Free_Index, TabFormat_Index }
 enum DDCIndexTypeEnum contains index types. Each index type determines DDC indices and break collections. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CConcordance
DDCIndexTypeEnum m_IndexType
 the type of index More...
bool m_bIndexPunctuation
 Enables indexing all punctuation marks. More...
bool m_bUseParagraphTagToDivide
 Enables using "<p>" tag as a paragraph delimiter. More...
bool m_bEmptyLineIsSentenceDelim
 if m_bEmptyLineIsSentenceDelim is on, every empty line in the input file is considered to be the end of the sentence. More...
bool m_bUseIndention
 if m_bUseIndention is on, the program tries to find paragraphs using indentions More...
DWORD m_UserMaxTokenCountInOnePeriod
 The maximal number of occurrences in one subcorpora (defined by user) More...
DWORD m_UserMaxInputLoadIndexSize
 The maximal number of occurrences in the input load index, by default 400000. More...
bool m_bUseDwdsThesaurus
 Enables indexing and querying using DWDS Thesaurus. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CStringIndexator
vector< CTokenNom_SearchPeriods
 search periods of the corpus More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CHitBorders
vector< CBreakCollectionm_Breaks
 all breaks More...
map< string, int > m_ShortName2BreakCollection
 the map from CBreakCollection.m_ShortName to the index in m_Breaks More...
map< string, int > m_LongName2BreakCollection
 the map from CBreakCollection.m_LongName to the index in m_Breaks More...
int m_FileBreakCollectionNo
 a quick reference to file breaks (which are also stored in m_Breaks) More...
string m_DefaultBreakName
 The name of the default break collection (written in the options file) More...
ddcVecFile< CPageNumberm_PageBreaks
 page number collection More...
vector< DWORDm_LastTextAreaBreaks
- Protected Attributes inherited from CSourceFileHolder
vector< string > m_SourceFiles
 Source files More...
bool m_bModifiedListOfFiles

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddColumnMap()

void CTabFormatIndexator::AddColumnMap ( const string &  field,
const string &  value,
CTabFormattedMetaParams params 

References Format(), and CTabFormattedMetaParams::FoundDocColumnDeclarations.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ProcessMetaField()

void CTabFormatIndexator::ProcessMetaField ( CIndexDocument document,
const string &  line,
CTabFormattedMetaParams params 

◆ ProcessBreakRecord()

void CTabFormatIndexator::ProcessBreakRecord ( CIndexDocument document,
const string &  line,
CTabFormattedMetaParams params 

◆ ProcessToken()

void CTabFormatIndexator::ProcessToken ( CIndexDocument document,
const string &  line 

References CTokenIndexator::CorpusEndTokenNo, and IndexOneToken().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IndexTabFormat()

void CTabFormatIndexator::IndexTabFormat ( CIndexDocument document)

Member Data Documentation

◆ PrevBibl

PtrHolder<CBibliography> CTabFormatIndexator::PrevBibl

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: