dtatw-splice.perl - splice generic standoff data into base XML files
General Options:
-help # this help message
-verbose LEVEL # set verbosity level (FATAL,ERROR,WARN,INFO,DEBUG,TRACE); default=INFO
-quiet # be silent
I/O Options:
-blanks , -noblanks # don't/do keep 'ignorable' whitespace in standoff file (default=ignored)
-text , -notext # do/don't splice in standoff text data (default=do)
-ignore-attrs LIST # comma-separated list of standoff attributes to ignore (default=none)
-ignore-elts LIST # comma-separated list of standoff content elements to ignore (default=none)
-wrap-content ELT # element in which to wrap original base file content for spliced items (default=empty:none)
-output FILE # specify output file (default='-' (STDOUT))
Not yet written.
Splice generic standoff data into base XML files.
dtatw-add-c.perl(1), dta-tokwrap.perl(1), dtatw-add-ws.perl(1), dtatw-rm-c.perl(1), ...
Bryan Jurish <jurish@bbaw.de>