Overview of the DTA Specification for the TEI Header
The following is an example of the TEI header's DTA specification as a whole.
<teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title type="main">[main title]</title> <title type="sub">[sub title]</title> <title type="volume" n="[DTA volume number]">[volume number and title (if applicable)]</title> <title type="part" n="[number of the part of a multi-part dependent publication]"> [title of the part of a multi-part dependent publication]</title> <author><!-- author of the work --> <persName ref="[URL, e. g. link to GND record]"> <surname>[surname of the author]</surname> <forename>[forename of the author]</forename> <nameLink>[name affix, e. g. title of nobility]</nameLink> <genName>[generation]</genName> <addName>[pseudonym or other additional name, if applicable]</addName> <roleName>[function the person exercises/-ed]</roleName> </persName> </author> <editor corresp="#[XML-ID of publicationStmt]"><!-- publisher of the present text edition --> <persName ref="[URL, e. g. link to GND record]"> <surname>[surname of the publisher]</surname> <forename>[forename of the publisher]</forename> <!-- [see above for further possible subelements] --> </persName> </editor> <respStmt xml:id="[ID; if applicable]" corresp="[ID of the corresponding license specification; if applicable]"> <persName ref="[URL, e. g. link to GND record]"> <!-- author/editor of the underlying full text (person); to be used several times if necessary --> <surname>[surname of the publisher]</surname> <forename>[forename of the publisher]</forename> <!-- [see above for further possible subelements] --> </persName> <orgName ref="[URL, e. g. link to GND record]">[provider of the underlying full text (organization/institution/project group)]</orgName> <!-- Specification of @ref optional--> <resp> <note type="remarkResponsibility">[Type of responsibility]</note> <ref target="[reference to an external source]"/> <!-- if necessary, to be used several times --> <date type="importDTA">[date of integration of the underlying source into the DTA]</date> <note type="remarkRevisionDTA">[information on possible changes to the full text in the DTA]</note> </resp> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition>[type of the present text edition]</edition> </editionStmt> <extent> <measure type="images">[extent in image files]</measure> <measure type="tokens">[extent in tokens]</measure> <measure type="types">[extent in types]</measure> <measure type="characters">[extent in characters]</measure> </extent> <publicationStmt> <publisher xml:id="[ID, i. e. DTACorpusPublisher]"> <!-- in the first place in the Publication Statement --> <orgName role="hostingInstitution">[publishing institution, i. e. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften]</orgName> <orgName role="project">[publishing project, i. e. Deutsches Textarchiv]</orgName> <email>[e-mail address of the publishing institution]</email> <address> <addrLine>[address of the publishing institution]</addrLine> </address> </publisher> <pubPlace>[publication place]</pubPlace> <date type="publication">[publication date]</date> <availability xml:id="[ID]" corresp="[ID of the corresponding text/image original]"> <!-- if necessary, to be used several times --> <licence target="[URL]"> <p>[note on the licence of the publication]</p> </licence> </availability> <idno> <idno type="DTAID">[ID within the DTA corpus]</idno> <idno type="DTADirName">[directory name within the DTA corpus]</idno> <idno type="URN">[URN of the DTA online publication of the work]</idno> <idno type="URLWeb">[URL of the DTA online publication of the work]</idno> <idno type="URLXML">[URL for XML/TEI download of the DTA publication]</idno> <idno type="URLHTML">[URL for HTML download of the DTA publication]</idno> <idno type="URLText">[URL for text download of the DTA publication]</idno> <idno type="URLCAB">[URL to download the CAB version of the DTA publication]</idno> <idno type="URLTCF">[URL to the TCF download of the DTA publication]</idno> <idno type="PIDCMDI">[Handle PID for the CMDI metadata record of the DTA publication]</idno> </idno> </publicationStmt> <notesStmt> <note type="remarkDocument">[additional information about the document]</note> </notesStmt> <sourceDesc> <bibl type="[M | MM | DM | DS | JA | J | MMS | MS]">[citation title]</bibl> <biblFull> <titleStmt> <title level="m" type="main">[main title of a monograph]</title> <title level="m" type="sub">[subtitle of a monograph]</title> <title level="m" type="volume" n="[DTA volume number]">[volume name of a monograph]</title> <!-- also possible with level="a" with type="part", if necessary, for dependent publications --> <author> <persName ref="[link to external resource, such as GND data record, if necessary]"> <surname>[surname of the author]</surname> <forename>[forename of the author]</forename> <!-- [see above for further possible subelements] --> </persName> </author> <editor> <!-- editor of the underlying text edition; for translators: @role="translator" --> <persName ref="[link to external resource, such as GND data record, if necessary]"> <surname>[surname of the publisher]</surname> <forename>[forename of the publisher]</forename> <!-- [see above for further possible subelements] --> </persName> </editor> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition n="[standardized edition number]">[note on edition according to original]</edition> </editionStmt> <extent> <measure type="pages">[extent of the source in pages]</measure> </extent> <publicationStmt> <publisher> <!-- in the first place in the Publication Statement; if necessary, to be used several times --> <name>[publisher/printer]</name> </publisher> <pubPlace>[printing place]</pubPlace> <date type="publication">[year of publication]</date> <date type="firstPublication">[year of first issue]</date> <!-- if known and differing from the year of publication --> <date type="creation">[year of origin of the text]</date> <!-- if known and differing from the year of publication --> </publicationStmt> <seriesStmt> <!-- if applicable, details of the parent publication --> <title level="j" type="main">[title of the journal]</title> <!-- also possible level="s" for parent series and type="sub" for subtitle --> <biblScope unit="volume">[volume of a series/volume of a journal]</biblScope> <biblScope unit="issue">[issue for magazines]</biblScope> <biblScope unit="pages">[page reference]</biblScope> </seriesStmt> <notesStmt> <note type="remarkSource">[comment on the underlying edition, if applicable]</note> </notesStmt> </biblFull> <msDesc xml:id="[ID]" corresp="[ID of the associated availability element]"> <!-- if necessary, to be used several times --> <msIdentifier> <repository>[owning library/institution/person]</repository> <idno> <idno type="shelfmark">[shelf mark]</idno> <idno type="URLCatalogue">[URL of the catalogue listing]</idno> <idno type="URLImages">[URL of the image files]</idno> <idno type="URN">[URN of image files]</idno> </idno> </msIdentifier> <physDesc> <typeDesc> <p>[predominant font, e. g. 'Fraktur']</p> </typeDesc> </physDesc> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc> <editorialDecl> <p>[information on the transcription and annotation guidelines]</p> <p>[further information on the transcription and annotation guidelines]</p> </editorialDecl> </encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <langUsage> <language ident="[code according to ISO 639-3]">[language]</language> </langUsage> <textClass> <classCode scheme="[URL DTA main classification]">[text type acc. to DTA main classification]</classCode> <classCode scheme="[URL DTA subclassification]">[text type acc. to DTA subclassification]</classCode> <classCode scheme="[URL DWDS main classification01]">[text type acc. to DWDS main classification 1]</classCode> <classCode scheme="[URL DWDS subclassification01]">[text type acc. to DWDS subclassification 1]</classCode> <classCode scheme="[URL DWDS main classification02]">[text type acc. to DWDS main classification 2]</classCode> <classCode scheme="[URL DWDS-subclassification02]">[text type acc. to DWDS subclassification 2]</classCode> <classCode scheme="[URL classification text origin]">[origin of the DTA full text]</classCode> </textClass> </profileDesc> </teiHeader>