Translations of Quotations

If a translation is attached to a quote in the original language, this translation is also enclosed with the <quote> element. A possibly author attached to the translation is specified in a <bibl> element. Both parts (<quote> and <bibl>) are enclosed with a <cit> element. (Cf. the information on how to tag quotes with naming the author or without naming the author).

The <quote> element of the translation gets an attribute value pair @type="translation". The <quote> element of the original quote gets an attribute value pair @xml:lang="[ISO 639-3 code]", in which the language is specified. (For the tagging of foreign language material, see chap. Foreign Language Material below.

Both <quote> elements (original quote and its translation) are linked with @xml:id and @corresp.

            <quote xml:lang="[ISO 639-3 code]" xml:id="[ID original quote]" corresp="[ID translation]">[quotation in original language]</quote>
            <bibl>[author of the quote]</bibl>
<cit><!-- where applicable -->
<quote type="translation" xml:id="[ID translation]" corresp="[ID original quote]">[quotation in translation]</quote>
<bibl>[author of the quote/translation]</bibl><!-- where applicable -->

Encoding of Translated Quotations

<quote corresp="qte2b" xml:id="qte2a" xml:lang="lat">
  <hi rendition="#aq">Laudatas oſtentat auis Iunonia pennas.<lb/>
  Si tacite ſpectes, illa recondit opes.</hi>
  <hi rendition="#c">Das iſt/</hi>
<pb n="266" facs="#f0276"><lb/>
<quote type="translation" corresp="#qte2a" xml:id="qte2b">
  <lg type="poem">
    <l>Wenn du den Pfawen wirſt hoch ru&#x0364;hmen/</l><lb/>
    <l>So zeigt er dir ſeins Schwantzes Blumen.</l><lb/>
    <l>Bleibſtu aber ſtillſchweigend beſtehen/</l><lb/>
    <l>So leſt er ſeinen Schatz nicht ſehen.</l>

Source a: Rollenhagen, Gabriel: Vier Bücher Wunderbarlicher biß daher vnerhörter/ vnd vngleublicher Jndianischer reysen. Magdeburg, 1603. [Facsimile 275]

Source b: Ebd. [Facsimile 276]