Quotes/Epigraphs as Groups of Verses

If the quote/epigraph is written in verses, it is also tagged as <lg>:

<epigraph> <!-- sofern vorhanden -->
      <head>[title]</head> <!-- where applicable -->
    <bibl>[author of the poem]</bibl> <!-- where applicable -->

Encoding of Quotations in Verse Form

  <cit rendition="#et">
        <l>Hier quillt die träumeriſche,</l><lb/>
        <l>Urjugendliche Friſche;</l><lb/>
        <l>In ahnungsvoller Hülle</l><lb/>
        <l>Die ganze Lebensfülle.</l>
    <bibl><hi rendition="#g">Lenau</hi></bibl>.

Source: Roßmäßler, Emil Adolf: Der Wald. Leipzig u. a., 1863. [Facsimile 33]