Horizontal Dividing Lines

Horizontal dividing lines or decorated dividing elements between text passages are tagged by using the <milestone> element:

<milestone unit="section" rendition="#hr"/><lb/>

Only separators between text passages or at the end of a section are taken into account. Separation lines between the text and the footnote area/header are not taken into account.

Encoding of Horizontal Separator Lines

<div n="1"> 
  <head> <hi rendition="#b"><hi rendition="#g">Vorwort</hi>.</hi> </head><lb/> 
  <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/>
  <p><hi rendition="#in">E</hi>rſt die Fremde lehrt uns, 
    was wir an der Heimath be-<lb/> ſitzen.“ [...]

Source: Fontane, Theodor: Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg. [Bd. 1: Die Grafschaft Ruppin. Der Barnim. Der Teltow]. Berlin, 1862. [Facsimile 11]

A coloring of the lines or separators can be encoded by using the attribute value combination @rendition="#hrBlue" or @rendition="#hrRed".