
Reports and news of various types grouped in the source under a thematic aspect (generally political news, economic news, weather reports) are grouped together in appropriately typed <div> elements of the highest level.

The individual articles within these categories are again enclosed by <div> elements of lower level, which get the attribute value pair @type="jArticle".

Category @type Value Hierarchy Level (recommended)
political news including telegraphic reports jPoliticalNews 1
economic and financial news jFinancialNews 1
weather reports jWeatherReports 1
article/news jArticle 2 | 3 | ...
  <div type="jPoliticalNews">
  <div type="jArticle">[political news]</div>
  <div type="jArticle">[further political news]</div>
  <div type="jFinancialNews">
  <div type="jArticle">[economic news]</div>
  <div type="jArticle">[further economic news]</div>
  <div type="jWeatherReports">
  <div type="jArticle">[weather report]</div>
  <div type="jArticle">[further weather report]</div>

If the articles are again grouped within a category (e. g. grouping of articles according to nation-states within the Political News, i. e. "Deutschland", "Frankreich", etc.), the categories ("jPoliticalNews", "jFinancialNews", etc.) can be nested in themselves.

<div type="jPoliticalNews"> <!-- category political news -->
      <div type="jPoliticalNews"> <!-- special group of political news, e. g. "Deutschland" -->
      <head>[subtitle, e. g. "Deutschland"]</head>
      <div type="jArticle">[political news from Germany]</div>
      <div type="jArticle">[further political news from Germany]</div>
  <div type="jPoliticalNews"> <!-- special group of political news, e. g. "Frankreich" -->
  <head>[subtitle, e. g. "Frankreich"]</head>
  <div type="jArticle">[political news from France]</div>
  <div type="jArticle">[further political news from France]</div>