dtatw-get-ddc-attrs.perl - get DDC-relevant attributes from DTA::TokWrap files
dtatw-get-ddc-attrs.perl [OPTIONS] T_XML_FILE [SX_FILE=T_XML_FILE:.t.xml=.sx [CX_FILE=SX_FILE:.sx=.cx]]
General Options:
-help # this help message
-verbose LEVEL # set verbosity level (0<=LEVEL<=3)
-quiet # be silent; alias for -verbose=0
I/O Options:
-output FILE # specify output file (default='-' (STDOUT))
-blanks , -noblanks # do/don't keep 'ignorable' whitespace in T_XML_FILE file (default=don't)
-dtd , -nodtd # do/don't load external DTDs (default=don't)
-ws , -nows # do/don't keep whitespace in //w/@t (default=don't)
-page , -nopage # do/don't extract //w/@pb (page-break; default=do)
-line , -noline # do/don't extract //w/@lb (line-break; default=do)
-rend , -norend # do/don't extract //w/@xr (rendition; default=do)
-xcon , -noxcon # do/don't extract //w/@xc (xml context; default=do)
-xpath , -noxpath # do/don't extract //w/@xp (trimmed xpath; default=do)
-xppath , -noxppath # do/don't extract //w/@xpp (untrimmed xpath; default=don't)
-bbox , -nobbox # do/don't extract //w/@bb (bbox; default=don't)
-xlit , -noxlit # do/don't extract //w/@u (unicruft transliteration; default=do)
-wsep , -nowsep # do/don't extract //w/@ws (boolean space-separation; default=do)
-keep-c , -nokeep-c # do/don't keep existing //w/@c and //w/@cs attributes (default=keep)
-keep-b , -nokeep-b # do/don't keep existing //w/@b attributes (default=keep)
-keep-xb, -nokeep-xb # do/don't keep existing //w/@xb attributes (default=keep)
-formula-text TEXT # output text for //formula elements (default='' (no change))
Not yet written.
Splice DDC-relevant attributes from DTA *.chr.xml files into DTA::TokWrap *.t.xml files.
dtatw-add-c.perl(1), dta-tokwrap.perl(1), dtatw-add-ws.perl(1), dtatw-splice.perl(1), dtatw-rm-c.perl(1), ...
Bryan Jurish <jurish@bbaw.de>