The Basic Structure of the Publication Statement (//fileDesc/publicationStmt)

The Publication Statement (<publicationStmt>) of the File Description contains publication-specific information on the respective DTA edition:

  • publishing institution (normally "Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften");
  • publishing project (normally "Deutsches Textarchiv");
  • publication date;
  • place of publication;
  • license that applies to the DTA edition (see chap. License Details);
  • data for unambiguous identification of the DTA full text: unique ID number of the DTA ("DTAID"), DTA directory name ("DTADirName");
  • Addresses of the possible accesses to the document, grouped in a superior <idno> element:
    • web presentation ("URLWeb", "URN")
    • download of the XML/TEI version ("URLXML")
    • download of the text version ("URLText")
    • download of the HTML version ("URLHTML")
    • download of the XML/TEI text enriched by the results of the orthographic normalization using CAB ("URLCAB")
    • download of the TCF version ("URLTCF")
    • Handle PID of the CMDI metadata set ("PIDCMDI")

The <publisher> element is always in the first place as a subelement in <publicationStmt>.

Attention: Persistent identifiers (PIDs) should be used for the addresses of the possible document accesses to ensure that the source can be reached in the long term via the specified address.
      <publisher xml:id="[ID, i. e. DTACorpusPublisher]"> <!-- generally in the first place -->
      <orgName role="hostingInstitution">[publishing institution, i. e. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften]</orgName>
      <orgName role="project">[publishing project, i. e. Deutsches Textarchiv]</orgName>
      <email>[e-mail address of the publishing institution]</email>
    <addrLine>[address of the publishing institution]</addrLine>
  <pubPlace>[place of publication]</pubPlace>
  <date type="publication">[date of publication]</date>
  <availability xml:id="[ID]" corresp="[ID of the corresponding text/image original]"> <!-- multiple use if necessary -->
    <licence target="[URL]">
    <p>[information on the licence of the publication]</p>
  <idno type="DTAID">[ID within the DTA corpus]</idno>
  <idno type="DTADirName">[directory name within the DTA corpus]</idno>
  <idno type="URN">[URN of the DTA online publication of the work]</idno>
  <idno type="URLWeb">[URL of the DTA online publication of the work]</idno>
  <idno type="URLXML">[URL to download XML/TEI of the DTA publication]</idno>
  <idno type="URLHTML">[URL to download HTML of the DTA publication]</idno>
  <idno type="URLText">[URL to download text of the DTA publication]</idno>
  <idno type="URLCAB">[URL to download CAB of the DTA publication]</idno>
  <idno type="URLTCF">[URL to download TCF of the DTA publication]</idno>
  <idno type="PIDCMDI">[Handle PID for the CMDI metadata record of the DTA publication]</idno>