Basic Structure of the Source Description (//fileDesc/sourceDesc)

Information on the original of the DTA full text (underlying book edition and image files) is summarized in the Source Description (<sourceDesc>).

The <bibl> (Bibliographic Citation) and <biblFull> (Fully-structured Bibliographic Citation) elements of the Source Description contain the complete bibliographic information on the volume published in the DTA. Within <biblFull> the extent of the source (<extent>) and the surrounding conditions of the edition (<publicationStmt>) are also specified. The <msDesc> (Manuscript Description) element is available for information on the source's depository.

      <bibl type="[M | MM | DM | DS | JA | J | MMS | MS]">[short title specification]</bibl>
      <biblFull>[bibliographic information on the source]</biblFull>
      <msDesc>[information on the source's depository]</msDesc>