Date Specifications

Date specifications of the text can be tagged with the elements <date> and <dateline> (level 3).

<date> represents a date. With <dateline> a date line can be tagged, which can also contain a statement of place, for example.


    <date> <hi rendition="#et">Am Jakobitag 1817.</hi> </date>
  <p>Heute bin ich wieder im Hinterwinkel, im<lb/>
    Hauſe des Mathes geweſen. [...]

Source: Rosegger, Peter: Die Schriften des Waldschulmeisters. Pest, 1875. [Facsimile 212]

<dateline> (1)

  <p>Es werden alſo hierdurch [...]</p><lb/>
  <dateline><hi rendition="#c">Dreßden den 20. April 1740.</hi></dateline>

Source: Schöttgen, Christian: Lebens-Beschreibung Herrn Wolffgang Eulenbecks. Dresden, 1740. [Facsimile 12]

<dateline> (2)

<milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/>
<div n="2">
    <hi rendition="#et">Am frühſten Morgen auf dem Johannisberg.</hi>
  <p>Das Sonnenlicht ſtiehlt ſich durch dieſe Büſche in<lb/>

Source: [Arnim, Bettina von]: Tagebuch. Berlin, 1835. [Facsimile 21]

Attention: The elements <date> and <dateline> are partly allowed in different element contexts, i. e. <date> is not necessarily valid everywhere, where <dateline> is also valid. For the element contexts in which these elements can be used, see the TEI documentation for <dateline> and <date>.

The <date> element can also be located within <dateline> to tag the actual date in the date line separately.

<date> in <dateline> (1)

  <p>Die beiden Schlusskapitel [...]</p><lb/>
    <cb type="start"/>
      <placeName>Gut Weissenbach<lb/>
      bei Liezen in Steiermark.</placeName><lb/>
      <date>Herbst 1900.</date>
    <signed>Dr. v. Wissmann.</signed><lb/>
    <cb type="end"/>


<date> in <dateline> (2)

<div>[...]<p>Der Verfasser hat seine Zustimmung und seine Mithülfe nicht<lb/>
      <date>im August 1881</date>.
    <hi rendition="#b #right">Die Verlagshandlung.</hi> 

Source: Siemens, Werner von: Gesammelte Abhandlungen und Vorträge. Berlin, 1881. [Facsimile 15].

Tip: For further examples of use, see also the documentation on letters.