List of Characters

The list of the characters involved, preceding the drama, is tagged with <div n="[level]">. If the list of characters has a corresponding title, it will be given within the <div> element in a <head> element. The actual list of characters is tagged with a <castList> element. Each listed character is enclosed within <castList> with a <castItem> element.

<div n="[level]">
          <head>[title of the list of characters]</head><!-- where applicable -->
    <castItem>[character 1]</castItem>
    <castItem>[character 2]</castItem>

The name of the respective character is in a <role> element, which is subordinate to the <castItem> element. An attribute @xml:id within the <role> element assigns a unique identification to the character. A function assigned to the character is reproduced within <castItem> in a <roleDesc> element.

  <role xml:id="[ID]">[name of the character]</role>
    <roleDesc>[function]</roleDesc><!-- where applicable -->

Groups of characters to which a function is assigned together in the original (generally represented graphically by bracketings) are enclosed within <castList> with a <castGroup> element. The function common to the characters of a group is realized within <castGroup> in a <roleDesc> element. Each character is enclosed with a <castItem> element that has the functions described above.

  <castItem><role xml:id="[ID]">[character 1]</role></castItem>
  <castItem><role xml:id="[ID]">[character 2]</role></castItem>

List of Characters I

    <hi rendition="#c"><hi rendition="#g">Perſonen</hi>.</hi>
    <role xml:id="JUP"><hi rendition="#g">Jupiter</hi>,</role>
    <roleDesc>in der Geſtalt des Amphitryon.</roleDesc>
    <role xml:id="MER"><hi rendition="#g">Merkur</hi>,</role>
    <roleDesc>in der Geſtalt des Soſias.</roleDesc>
    <role xml:id="AMP"><hi rendition="#g">Amphitryon</hi>,</role>
    <roleDesc>Feldherr der Thebaner.</roleDesc>
    <role xml:id="SOS"><hi rendition="#g">Soſias</hi>,</role>
    <roleDesc>ſein Diener.</roleDesc>

Source: Kleist, Heinrich von: Amphitryon. Dresden, 1807. [Facsimile 17]

To display bracketings within <castGroup>, the @rendition attribute is used, which can get the values #rightBraced, #leftBraced, #bottomBraced, #topBraced" (see chap. Bracketings).

Bracketings in List of Characters

    <role xml:id="ATT"><hi rendition="#g">Attus Tullus</hi>, Oberfeldherr.</role>
  <castGroup rendition="#rightBraced">
      <role xml:id="LUC">
        <hi rendition="#g">Lucumo</hi>
      <role xml:id="VOLT">
        <hi rendition="#g">Volturio</hi>
      <role xml:id="ARU">
        <hi rendition="#g">Aruntius</hi>
      <role xml:id="POR">
        <hi rendition="#g">Porus</hi>

Source: Collin, Heinrich Joseph von: Coriolan. Berlin, 1804. [Facsimile 11]

A special case are namings of actors who were appointed in a performance of the drama. These actors are tagged with the <actor> element:

  <role xml:id="[ID]">[character]</role>
  <roleDesc>[function]</roleDesc><!-- where applicable -->

List of Characters with Naming the Actor/Actress

    <hi rendition="#c">Perſonen.</hi>
  <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/>
    <hi rendition="#c">Beſetzung im k. k. priv. Theater an der Wien.</hi>
  <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/>
    <role xml:id="GRI">
      <hi rendition="#b">Grillhofer,</hi>
    <roleDesc>ein reicher Bauer.</roleDesc>
    <space dim="horizontal"/>
      <hi rendition="#et">Herr Martinelli.</hi>
    <role xml:id="DUS">
      <hi rendition="#b">Duſterer,</hi>
    <roleDesc>ſein Schwager.</roleDesc>
    <space dim="horizontal"/>
      <hi rendition="#et">〃 Frieſe.</hi>

Source: Anzengruber, Ludwig: Der G'wissenswurm. Wien, 1874. [Facsimile 11]