References to Endnotes in the Text

The reference to an endnote in the text is tagged with the <note> element, which contains an @xml:id and a reference to the corresponding endnote character by means of @next:

<note place="end" n="[endnote reference]" xml:id="[ID 01]" next="#[ID 02]"/>

The referencing character is reproduced faithfully to the text; special formatting of the endnote character (superscript/subscript, spaced letters …) is not taken into account.

Reproduction of the Endnote Reference in the Text

<p>[...] wegen gewarnt; wir gebrauchten die Vorsicht, die rauhe Haut zu<lb/>
  entfernen, assen aber das weisse Fleisch 
  ohne allen Nachtheil.<note place="end" n="78)" xml:id="a01" next="#a02"/>

Source: Martens, Eduard von: Die preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien. Nach amtlichen Quellen. Zoologischer Teil. Erster Band. Berlin, 1876. [Facsimile 342]

Note: Alternative regulation phase 1: The reference to an endnote in the text is not tagged separately as such. However, typographical peculiarities of the endnote character are taken into account as usual.