Table of Contents

Table of contents are enclosed with the element <div type="contents">. A possible title is in the sub-element <head>. The single directory entries are organized in a list (<list>) with the respective chapter entries in <item> elements, the corresponding page numbers in <ref> elements:

<div type="contents">
      <head>[title]</head><!-- if available -->
  <item>[directory entry1/chapter name1]
    <item>[directory entry2/chapter name2]

Tables of contents can be located in the introductory part of a volume and thus within the <front> element, or they can conclude a volume in which case they should be assigned to the <back> element. Tables of contents for individual books in a volume are eventually transcribed within the <text> element.

Note: Alternative regulation phase 1: Typographical features (bold, italic, spaced etc.) of the table of contents in comparison to the continuous text as well as typographical variance within the table of contents are tagged with.

Encoding of Table of Contents

<div type="content">
    <hi rendition="#c #b">Inhalt.</hi><lb/>
    <item><hi rendition="#right">Seite</hi></item><lb/>
      I. Die Geschichte der Zellengranula<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>1</ref>
      II. Die Methoden der Granulauntersuchung<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>17</ref>
      III. Körner und Fäden der Zellen<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>39</ref>
      IV. Die Leber von Rana esculenta<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>56</ref>
      V. Die Fettumsetzungen in den Zellen<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>76</ref>
      VI. Die Secretionserscheinungen in den Zellen <space dim="horizontal"/><ref>97</ref>
      VII. Die Genese der Zelle<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>123</ref>
      Erklärungen zu den Tafeln<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>143</ref>

Source: Altmann, Richard: Die Elementarorganismen und ihre Beziehungen zu den Zellen. Leipzig, 1890. [Facsimile 15]