Tagging of Quotations with Naming of the Author

Quotations with naming the author are tagged with <cit>. The actual quote text is within a <quote> element. The author of the quote is given in <bibl>. The order in which the elements <quote> and <bibl> are positioned follows the conditions of the original.

Quote with naming the author (exemplary):

            <quote>[quotation text]</quote>
            <bibl>[author of the quote]</bibl>

Quotation with Author (1)

<cit rendition="#et">
      <hi rendition="#i">
        <hi rendition="#aq">As if increaſe of appetite had grown<lb/>By what it fed on —</hi>
      <hi rendition="#aq #k">Shakespear.</hi>

Source: Forster, Georg: Johann Reinhold Forster's [...] Reise um die Welt. Bd. 1. Berlin, 1778. [Facsimile 160]

Quotation with Author (2)

<cit rendition="#et #aq">
      <quote>Friend to mankind, she glitters from afar,<lb/>Now the bright ev’ ning, now the morning star.</quote><lb/>

Source: Littrow, Joseph Johann von: Die Wunder des Himmels, oder gemeinfaßliche Darstellung des Weltsystems. Bd. 2. Stuttgart, 1835. [Facsimile 74]