Synchronous Speech Acts

Text that is performed by several speakers at the same time (synchronous speech act) is reproduced in only one <sp> element. The different speakers stand together in one <speaker> element. If the common speech is clarified by bracketing, then depending on the place of the bracketing, the respective element gets an attribute value pair @rendition="#rightBraced" or @rendition="#leftBraced" (for coding bracketings see chap. Bracketings).

<sp who="#[speaker ID 1] #[speaker ID n]">
            <speaker>[speaker 1, speaker n]</speaker>
            <stage>[stage direction]</stage>

Synchronous Speech Acts

<sp who="#WUNGE #WEIN">
    <hi rendition="#fr">W. Ungew.<lb/>Weinhold.</hi>
  <stage rendition="#leftBraced">(verwundert.)</stage>

Source: Gotter, Friedrich Wilhelm: Die Erbschleicher. Leipzig, 1789. [Facsimile 170]

Tip: For the encoding of bracketings cf. chap. Bracketings.