Parentheses and Discontinuous Text Passages

The separated text components are linked using the @prev and @next attributes with the help of @xml:id's.

If the text passage is interrupted several times, the successive parts are linked together, in doing so the first part of the chain contains no @prev and the last part no @next.

Example: Parallel print of two texts on opposite book pages

<div xml:id="[ID text1_part1]" next="#[ID text1_part2]">...</div>
<div xml:id="[ID text2_part1]" next="#[ID text2_part2]">...</div>
<div xml:id="[ID text1_part2]" prev="#[ID text1_part1]">...</div>
<div xml:id="[ID text2_part2]" prev="#[ID text2_part1]">...</div>
Attention: For conventions for @xml:id values, see the W3C's XML guideline.

Autonomous Texts Arranged Next to Each Other

  <cell xml:id="text1_teil1" next="#text1_teil2">
    Die Martingale um die Kummete der<lb/>
  <cell xml:id="text2_teil1" next="#text2_teil2">
    Die Martingale um die Kummete der<lb/>
<pb n="61" facs="#f0075"/>
<fw type="header" place="top">Vierspännige Luxus-Equipagen.</fw><lb/>
  <cell xml:id="text1_teil2" prev="#text1_teil1">
    Hinterpferde herum und nicht nur durch die<lb/>
    Kummetschliessergelenke durchgezogen.<lb/>
  <cell xml:id="text2_teil2" prev="#text2_teil1">
    Hinterpferde herum und nicht nur durch die<lb/>
    Kummetschliessergelenke durchgezogen-<lb/>

Source: Wrangel, Carl Gustav: Das Luxus-Fuhrwerk. Stuttgart, 1898. [Facsimile 74/75]

Tip: Typical examples of discontinuous text passages are for instance Continuous Footnotes, Endnotes, Discontinuous Verse Parts in Poems.
Note: Alternative regulation phase 1: Continuous footnotes and endnotes represent a special case for the interruption of related text passages, which is dealt with by means of the <seg> element (see chapters Continuous Footnotes and Endnotes).