Continuous Footnotes

If a footnote extends over a page break, the <note> element is closed before the page break. The continuation of the footnote is carried out where it actually stands (usually at the end of the next page). The connection between the parts of the footnote is made using the attributes @xml:id, @next and @prev:

<note place="foot" n="[footnote reference]" xml:id="[ID 01]" next="#[ID 02]">[footnote text]</note><lb/>
      <pb facs="[image number]" n="[page number]">
      [text next page to end]
      <note place="foot" n="[footnote_reference_as_above]" xml:id="[ID 02]" prev="#[ID 01]">
      [continuation of footnote text]

Encoding of Continuous Footnotes

  [...] zu Entdeckungen ſolcher Art zu ge-<lb/>langen 
  <note place="foot"n="*)" xml:id="seg2pn_2_1 "next="#seg2pn_2_2">
    Huygens, der ſelbſt zur Vollendung dieſer Entdeckung ſehr we-<lb/>
    ſentlich beigetragen hat, erklärt ſich darüber in ſeiner Dioptrik<lb/>
  </note>. Nach Borelli's Erzählung [...]
[...] können, daß Zeit und Glück auch erſt einen ſpäten Enkel begün-<lb/>
  <note xml:id="seg2pn_2_2"prev="#seg2pn_2_1"place="foot"n="*)">
    ein höheres, über alle Sterblichen weit erhabenes Weſen zu<lb/>
    halten. Aber davon ſind wir ſo weit entfernt, daß ſelbſt noch<lb/>
    richtig zu erklären.

Source: Littrow, Joseph Johann von: Die Wunder des Himmels, oder gemeinfaßliche Darstellung des Weltsystems. Bd. 3. Stuttgart, 1836. [Facsimile 270/271].

Tip: For linking discontinuous text segments by using the @xml:id, @next and @prev attributes s. chap. Interruptions of Related Text Components.
Note: Alternative regulation phase 1: Footnotes that extend over a page break are tagged with the <seg> element. The <note> element is closed before the page break. The continuation of the footnote is carried out where it actually stands (usually at the end of the next page). The connection between the parts of the footnote is expressed by the <seg> element. The position in relation to each other of the related <seg> elements is expressed by the @part attribute, which can have the values I (initial), M (medial) and F (final).