Horizontal Bracketings

A special case are family trees, which are usually visualized by means of horizontal parentheses. They are reproduced as tables (<table>, <row>, <cell>). The <cell> element gets a @rendition attribute with the possible values "#topBraced" (for bracketings above the cell in question) and "#bottomBraced" (for bracketings below the cell in question).

Handling Horizontal Bracketings

<note place="foot" n="*">Der Stammbaum der numidischen Fürsten ist folgender:<lb/>
      <cell cols="6" rendition="#bottomBraced"><hi rendition="#g">Massinissa</hi> 516-605.</cell>
      <cell cols="3" rendition="#bottomBraced"><hi rendition="#g">Micipsa</hi><lb/>† 636</cell>
      <cell rendition="#bottomBraced"><hi rendition="#g">Gulussa</hi><lb/>† vor 636</cell>
      <cell cols="2" rendition="#bottomBraced"><hi rendition="#g">Mastanabal</hi><lb/>† vor 636</cell>
      <cell rows="4"><hi rendition="#g">Adherbal</hi><lb/>† 642</cell>
      <cell rows="4"><hi rendition="#g">Hiempsal</hi> I<lb/>† c. 637</cell>
      <cell rows="4">Micipsa<lb/>(Diod. p. † 607)</cell>
      <cell rows="4">Massiva<lb/>† 643</cell>
      <cell rendition="#bottomBraced"><hi rendition="#g">Gauda</hi><lb/>† vor 672</cell>
      <cell><hi rendition="#g">Jugurtha</hi><lb/>† 650</cell>
      <cell rendition="#bottomBraced"><hi rendition="#g">Hiempsal</hi> II</cell>
      <cell rows="3">Oxyntas</cell>
      <cell rendition="#bottomBraced"><hi rendition="#g">Juba</hi> I</cell>
      <cell><hi rendition="#g">Juba</hi> II</cell>

Source: Mommsen, Theodor: Römische Geschichte. Bd. 2: Von der Schlacht bei Pydna bis auf Sullas Tod. Leipzig, 1855. [Facsimile 142]