Bracketings in Lists

Bracketings of text segments often occur within lists or list-like structures. They are enclosed within the superordinate list by an own <item> element, within which the combined sections of text again stand as <item>s in a list. The goal of bracketing stands as pure text within the superior <item> element.

    <list rendition="#rightBraced">
    <item>element 1 of the bracketed list</item><lb/>
    <item>element 2 of the bracketed list</item><lb/>
    <item>element 3 of the bracketed list</item>
    common text module in the back</item><lb/>
      <item>common text module in front
    <list rendition="#leftBraced">
    <item>element 1 of the bracketed list</item><lb/>
    <item>element 2 of the bracketed list</item><lb/>
    <item>element 3 of the bracketed list</item><lb/>

Encoding of Bracketings in Lists (1)

    <list rendition="#rightBraced">
      <item>1. <hi rendition="#aq">Ciliaris.</hi></item><lb/>
      <item>2. <hi rendition="#aq">Orbicularis ſupe-<lb/>rior.</hi></item><lb/>
      <item>3. <hi rendition="#aq">Orbicularis infe-<lb/>rior.</hi></item><lb/>
      <item>4. <hi rendition="#aq">Levator ſeu rectus.</hi></item><lb/>
    <hi rendition="#aq">Palpebras<lb/>movent clau-<lb/>dunt &amp; ape-<lb/>riunt.</hi>

Source: Bürger, Peter: Candidatus Chirurgiae. Königsberg, 1692. [Facsimile 40]

Encoding of Bracketings in Lists (2)

    <list rendition="#rightBraced">
      <item><hi rendition="#g">John Meſſinger</hi></item><lb/>
      <item><hi rendition="#g">James Lemen</hi> jr.</item>
    <hi rendition="#g">St. Clair</hi> (Grafſchaft)
    <list rendition="#rightBraced">
      <item><hi rendition="#g">Georg Fiſcher</hi></item><lb/>
      <item><hi rendition="#g">Elias Kent Kone</hi></item>
    <hi rendition="#g">Randolph</hi> -

Source: Ernst, Ferdinand: Bemerkungen auf einer Reise durch das Innere der vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika im Jahre 1819. Hildesheim, 1820. [Facsimile 195]