Basic Structure of the Encoding of Lists

Lists are tagged with the <list> element. Each list item is tagged with <item>[...]</item>. If the list has a title, it is tagged as such by the <head> element.

        <head>[title of the list]</head><!-- where available -->
        <item>[content of a list item]</item>
        <item>[content of a list item]</item>

Numbering of list points is done within <list>[...]</list> (i. e. at text level) and not tagged separately.

        <item>1. [contents of the first list item]</item>
        <item>2. [contents of the second list item]</item>
  <item>[n]. [contents of the nth list item]</item>

Encoding of Lists

    <hi rendition="#aq">s)</hi>Der erſte Stein <hi rendition="#aq">a</hi>, 
    auf dem Gewölbefuß liegend, heißt: <hi rendition="#g">An-<lb/>
    fänger</hi>- oder <hi rendition="#g">Kämpferſtein</hi>.
    <hi rendition="#aq">t)</hi>Der Stein <hi rendition="#aq">t</hi> 
    in der oberſten Spitze des Gewölbes heißt:<lb/>
    <hi rendition="#g">Schlußſtein</hi>.
    <hi rendition="#aq">u)</hi>Jede Hälfte eines Gewölbes, 
    welche durch eine verticale, durch<lb/>
    die Scheitellinie gelegte Ebene gebildet wird, 
    heißt: <hi rendition="#g">Gewölbe-<lb/>
    ſchenkel</hi>; dieſelben ſind in der Regel ſich gleich, 
    bei einhüftigen Ge-<lb/>
    wölben (Fig. 256) reſp. Bögen aber ungleich.

Source: Wanderley, Germano: Handbuch der Bauconstruktionslehre. 2. Aufl. Bd. 2. Die Constructionen in Stein. Leipzig, 1878. [Facsimile 267]

If a list consists of entries with corresponding values, which are separated from each other by a spacer (e. g. an empty space or a dotted line), the distance is displayed by <space dim="horizontal"/>.

Dealing with Spacers in Lists

  <item>1ſter Schlag. Kartoffeln <space dim="horizontal"/> 500°</item><lb/>
  <item>2ter Schlag. Gerſte <space dim="horizontal"/> 400°</item><lb/>
  <item>3ter Schlag. Ma&#x0364;hnklee <space dim="horizontal"/> 325°</item><lb/>
  <item>4ter Schlag. Rocken <space dim="horizontal"/> 299°</item><lb/>
  <item>5ter Schlag. Wicken zu Gru&#x0364;nfutter <space dim="horizontal"/> 525°</item><lb/>
  <item>6ter Schlag. Rocken <space dim="horizontal"/> <hi rendition="#u">500°</hi></item>

Source: Thünen, Johann Heinrich von: Der isolirte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirthschaft und Nationalökonomie. Hamburg, 1826. [Facsimile 70]

A typical use case for such lists are Tables of Contents.

Bracketings within lists are tagged with the attribute value pair @rendition="#rightBraced|#leftBraced|#topBraced|#bottomBraced" (see chap. Bracketings).