Sheet Music Examples

Sheet music examples are handled as a special form of the figure and tagged with <figure>. For unambiguous identification, the <figure> element can be specified by the @type attribute with the value "notatedMusic".

<figure type="notatedMusic"/>

Encoding of Sheet Music Examples

  Wann drey <hi rendition="#aq">Breves</hi> aneinander gehengt<lb/>
  werden/ vnd die erſte jhre <hi rendition="#aq">Liniam</hi> auffwarts<lb/>
  kehret/ gilt die letzte <hi rendition="#i">2.</hi> ſchla&#x0364;ge.
<figure type="notatedMusic">
  <head><hi rendition="#aq">Exemplum.</hi></head>

Source: Friderici, Daniel: Musica Figuralis, Oder Newe Klärliche Richtige/ vnd vorstentliche vnterweisung/ Der SingeKunst. Rostock, 1619. [Facsimile 17]